Methodological notes

This report provides a summary of data collected through an annual mapping of Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) country-level coordination structures in 2023. It represents the only standardized method for capturing information on coordination structures, capacities, and alignment with IASC coordination requirements globally. While assessing coordination performance and impact is beyond the scope of this exercise, the data and trends offer valuable insights into the state and practice of humanitarian coordination at both national and subnational levels.

Data collection and cleaning

This report is based on data collected through two distinct questionnaires:

  • Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) and cross-cutting issues – Completed by OCHA country offices, with a 100 per cent response rate.
  • Cluster/Sector Coordination – Completed by country-level cluster/sector coordinators, with a 97 per cent response rate.

The two questionnaires were informed by previous data collection exercises and consultations with Global Cluster Coordinators, feedback from respondents, thematic focal points, and relevant OCHA entities. OCHA and the Global Clusters provided remote support throughout the process.

Data collection was conducted using a dedicated website that integrates KoboToolbox and the OCHA platforms, which allowed respondents to benefit from the flexibility of Kobo and the structured workflow processes of Respondents could begin with surveys pre-populated with data from the previous year, save their progress, and collaborate with others (e.g., cluster co-leads and co-chairs) before submission.

While OCHA undertook an extensive cleaning process, as with any large-scale data collection there exists a potential for errors or inaccuracies. In certain instances, additional analysis and triangulation of the data may be necessary to ensure reliability.

Scope of analysis

For the purpose of this report, 28 locations – for 27 operations – were included in the analysis.

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Numbers of locations included in the analysis

Cluster capacity

Respondents were asked to choose one of the following four options for coordinator and information management officer (IMO) staffing during the 12-month period: fully dedicated, double-hatting, or vacant/no position. They also indicated the number of months for each category as well as whether it was part of a surge deployment, where relevant.

The following formula was used to determine staffing levels:

Formula used to determind staffing levels


In some instances, terms employed in the report may encompass a broader category to improve readability:


Includes clusters, sectors and the Protection Cluster’s AoR


Humanitarian organization(s) endorsed by the IASC to lead or co-lead a country-level cluster, based on the recommendation of the RC/HC following consultations with the HCT


Includes co-chair, co-coordinator or co-facilitator of a cluster, sector or area of responsibility


Includes representatives of Member States and donors


Includes national, regional or local authorities

National actors

Includes all national, regional or local actors, comprising government entities, Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and local civil society including national and local NGOs