In 2023, the number of thematic subgroups under HCTs and ICCGs continued to grow. A total of 225 subgroups were recorded in 2023, up slightly from 224 in 2022, illustrating steady growth from 2019 when there were 170 subgroups. On average, there were 8 subgroups reporting to the ICCG and/or HCT in each operation in 2023, with the highest being 13 and the lowest being 3. The most frequently established thematic subgroups in 2023 were Community Engagement (CE) and Accountability to Affected People (AAP), Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), and Information Management, followed by Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and Access.
Below are highlights regarding coordination of the thematic issues that had the highest number of dedicated subgroups globally—CE/AAP, CVA, PSEA and humanitarian access:
- Community Engagement and Accountability to Affected People: Some 86 per cent of operations (24 out of 28) in 2023 had a subgroup reporting to either the ICCG or HCT that focused on community engagement, AAP and communication with communities.
- Coordination of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA): In 2023, Zimbabwe was the only operation that did not report having a dedicated subgroup on coordination for CVA. Increasing CVA was actively considered by HCTs in 89 per cent of operations. The potential use of multi-purpose cash was discussed in 61 per cent of HCTs, an increase from 53 per cent in 2022. Linkages with social protection systems were considered by 61 per cent of HCTs, an increase from 50 per cent in 2022.
- PSEA: At least 23 out of 28 operations had dedicated subgroups on PSEA, remaining consistent with 2021 and 2022. Twenty-one of the subgroups reported directly to the HCT, one reporting to the ICCG and one reporting to the UNCT. The five operations that did not have a dedicated subgroup on PSEA were the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Syria (Damascus) and Zimbabwe.
- Access and Civil-Military Coordination (CMCoord): At least 23 out of 28 operations had dedicated subgroups on access and/or CMCoord, with 32 Access and CMCoord subgroups across 23 operations. Nine operations had both access and CMCoord subgroups, whilst 12 had only an Access subgroup and 2 had only a CMCoord subgroup. Five operations had neither an access nor a CMCoord subgroup ((DRC, Ethiopia, Honduras, Madagascar, Yemen, Zimbabwe.)