Cluster Objectives
Reduce infectious disease transmission and hospitalization rate by supporting healthcare system, including laboratories and immunization, and COVID-19 incident management system (Surveillance, Infection Prevention and Control, Case Management, EECPs, Risk Communication and Community Engagement)
Improve access of conflict-affected population, exacerbated by COVID-19, to essential healthcare services, including HIV/TB and MHPSS
Improve capacity, sustainability and quality of healthcare services provided at different levels of care for conflict-affected population, exacerbated by COVID-19, and ensure implementation of humanitarian exit strategy in GCA from 2021-2023
Cluster Activities
Recruit surge capacity staff to support COVID-19 response at national and sub national level
Develop social media communication strategies and distribution of updated messages in local language to address rumors and myths, promote physical distancing and other practices to prevent transmission (wearing of mask, hand washing, etc.)
Activate local hotline numbers/other types of MHPSS counseling related to COVID-19 for community members
Support health authorities in: - investigating outbreak and potential super spreader groups; - establishing tracking of moderate or mild cases and suspected cases and Isolating them into home confinement; - adopting and disseminating case definition to all health care facilities
Support local rapid response teams, in areas where COVID-19 is confirmed, to provide technical support (according to the national strategy)
Provide direct support to laboratories, including through provision of lab test kits and other consumable supplies (e.g. RNA extraction and enzymes), training of the laboratory staff, ensuring timely reporting and providing other technical support as required
Disseminate latest disease information and provide crossing point staff with clear messages to follow in case of encountered suspected COVID-19 passenger at EECP
Prepare rapid health assessment/isolation facilities for suspected passenger(s) and to safely transport them to designated hospitals
Provide minimum package of PPE (based on generic PPE estimation tool) that can run health facilities at full capacity to ensure high safety IPC standards among healthcare workers
Support the effective implementation of screening and triage protocols at all points of access to the health system, including primary health centers, clinics, etc.
Provide health facilities with necessary medical equipment and supplies, including ventilators, oxygen concentrators and dispensers
Identify vulnerable groups in need of special care; provide care, including home care, especially in remote and isolated areas
Ensuring safe conditions for planned health services, including immunization
Set up COVID-19 designated wards in primary healthcare facilities, at least two per raion, where mild and moderate cases are treated
Support transportation of required supplies, including testing kits, PPEs and other consumables to designated locations
Provide COVID-19 related training and expertise sharing, including adoption of national and global guidance (both, online and offline), including on IPC, risk communication, clinical care, surveillance and contact tracing, laboratory and MHPSS
Protect health workforce from exhaustion and mental distress through targeted MHPSS interventions
Procure, pre-position and distribute medical supplies, essential medications and equipment through established and mobile healthcare services
Provide direct lifesaving and primary health care services (through fixed and mobile clinics), including emergency medical health care services, HIV and TB services, integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health services and Mental health and Psychosocial support
Provide financial and in-kind support to vulnerable affected population (e.g. elderly, people with disabilities, minorities, children) through cash and vouchers for healthcare expenses
Restore and/or rehabilitate disrupted health services and infrastructure (conflict-induced)
Provide clinical management of mental disorders by non-specialized health care providers (e.g. PHC, post-surgery wards)
Provide clinical management of mental disorders by specialized mental health care providers (e.g. psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and psychologists working at PHC/ general health facilities/ mental health facilities)
Support community-based health care services including but not limited to first aid services, community-based outreach and capacity building.
Restore and/or rehabilitate disrupted health services and infrastructure (due to lack of maintenance), including for people with specific needs
Provide direct support to laboratories (including blood bank services) to improve availability, quality and safety standards
Support health & nutritional education and promotion activities to raise awareness of affected population, including through social mobilization and advocacy activities
Support Health & nutritional education and promotion to update and improve knowledge and skills of healthcare providers
Build capacity of health authorities and health managers to take over humanitarian health activities, including the ones which minimize the impact of COVID-19 on access to essential healthcare service
Promoting models of care based on primary and community healthcare, including e-health, tele medicine, delivery of routine medication, etc.
Promote affected population right to timely emergency medical health care services, starting from community level all the way to hospital-based care
Improve quality and coordination of referrals through linkages and harmonization of nosological classification between the three levels of healthcare, including communities