Presence of humanitarian actors

  • Clusters
  • Organizations
  • Projects

Operations by organization


Operations by organization

Organization Clusters Projects
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Right to Protection"
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V
Caritas Ukraine
Charitable Foundation "Humanitarian Aid and Development Center"
Charitable Organization "ICF "MIRA" (International Children’s Fund "Mira")
Charitable Organization Charitable Foundation "Donbass Development Center"
Charitable Organization Movement for the spiritual revival of Donbass "Plich-o-Plich"
Charity Foundation `NEW WAY`
Danish Refugee Council
Donbas SOS
Emmanuel Charity Association, International Public Organization
Fondation Humanitaire Internationale AICM Ukraine
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
HALO Trust
HelpAge International
International charitable organization "International Medical Care"
International NGO Safety Organisation
International Organization for Migration
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Médicos del Mundo Spain
NGO Proliska
Norwegian Refugee Council
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
People in Need
Polish Humanitarian Action
Première Urgence Internationale
Save the Children
SOS Children's Villages
Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Ukrainian Deminers Association
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Population Fund
World Health Organization