Logical framework

  • Strategic Objectives
  • Specific Objectives
  • Cluster Objectives
  • Cluster Activities

Response plan


Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan 2022

Plan caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %

Strategic Objectives


Strategic Objective 1: Reduce loss of life for 5 million of the most severely vulnerable people, including 1 million children under 5, by decreasing the prevalence of hunger, acute malnutrition, public health threats and outbreaks, and abuse, violence, and exposure to explosive ordinances by the end of 2022

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Strategic Objective 2: Sustain the lives of 5.5 million people requiring humanitarian assistance, including 3.9 million non-IDPs, 1.6 million IDPs and people with disability across 74 districts, by ensuring safe, equitable and dignified access to livelihoods and essential services by the end of 2022

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Strategic Objective 3: Uphold commitments to the centrality of protection across the humanitarian response through protection mainstreaming, accountability to affected populations and monitoring of the protection environment

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Specific Objectives


SO1: Provide equitable access and utilization of quality lifesaving nutrition services for early detection and treatment of acute malnutrition for XX girls and boys under five years of age and XX pregnant and lactating women affected by acute malnutrition in prioritized locations by the end of 2022

Contributes to
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Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO2: Provide an integrated WASH and Health response in 74 districts to reduce the excess morbidity and mortality rate from preventable crisis-driven diseases and public health outbreaks among XX million most vulnerable people; by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO3: Provide access to specialized age, gender and disability sensitive: MHPSS, child protection, GBV and mine action services for XX persons, including boys, girls, civilian victims of indiscriminate attacks by armed actors, adolescents, persons with disabilities and older persons facing life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, injury, death, and severe distress, by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO4: Improve access to food for 3.1 million people facing severe acute food insecurity including 1.1 million IDPs, in 64 districts by end of 2021

Contributes to
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Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO1: Scale up and provide WASH, Education, Nutrition, Health, Shelter, NFIs and Protection integrated services to XX million non-IDPs including persons with disability in 74 districts by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO2: Scale up and provide CCCM, WASH, Education, Health, Nutrition, Shelter, NFIs, and Protection and NFIs integrated services to XX million IDPs including persons with disability by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO3: Protect livelihoods and related food sources for 840,000 farmers, pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and 160,000 IDPs in rural areas in 61 districts, through emergency agriculture, livestock, and other livelihoods supports

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO1: Promote collective action on the centrality of protection by ensuring complaint and feedback mechanisms, protection mainstreaming procedures, PSEA and child safeguarding focal points, are in place across the humanitarian response in 2022.

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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SO2: Increase the number of individuals reached by protection monitoring of human rights violations and protection training initiatives, with particular focus in districts with exposure to armed conflict, violence and individuals facing forced eviction

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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