South Sudan (RRP)

Plan overview

  • Total people in need
    3.6 million
  • Total people targeted
    3.6 million
  • Partial people in need
    2.6 million
  • Partial people targeted
    2.6 million
  • Total requirements ($)
    $1.19 billion
  • Partial requirements ($)
    $873.3 million
  • Partial funding ($)
    $665.8 million
  • Partial Coverage
  • Sectors
  • Partial Count of Organizations
  • Partial Count of Projects

South Sudan

Strategic Objectives


Upholding the quality of asylum for South Sudanese refugees in the region, the majority of whom are women and children, by meeting their lifesaving needs and upholding their dignity according to applicable minimum standards.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Providing lifesaving support including preventing and responding to GBV as well as contributing to GBV risk mitigation across the response.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Anchoring the response within national and regional multi-year protection frameworks, policies, laws, and standards which comprehensively address legal and physical protection needs of South Sudanese refugees with a particular emphasis on children, women and youth through an age, gender and diversity-sensitive approach.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Enhancing biometric registration, documentation and data management in collaboration with host governments to support implementation of durable solutions strategies.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Proactively exploring and, where applicable, pursuing innovative approaches based on participatory assessments with refugees, governments, humanitarian and development actors, the private sector, and civil society, with a view to systematically expanding Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs), livelihoods activities and other initiatives aimed at alleviating the dependency of refugees on aid.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of camps.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Promoting social cohesion between refugees and host communities through implementation of targeted resilience programmes.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Supporting asylum countries towards more comprehensive and sustainable solutions benefitting refugees and host communities in line with the Global Compact on Refugees.

Bénéficiaires People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
No data found for this table.
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.

South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan 2022

Sectors overview


Sectors overview

Sectors Organizations Projects Requirements ($) Funding ($) % Funded
$80.2 million
$13.8 million
$35.9 million
$1.1 million
$270 million
$195.4 million
$105.9 million
$24.6 million
$98.3 million
$15.7 million
$158.3 million
$36.6 million
$57.9 million
$10.6 million
$66.8 million
$5.1 million

South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan 2022

Organizations overview


Organizations overview

Organization Projects Clusters Requirements
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection
$1.6 million
ACT Alliance / Finn Church Aid
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience
$4.4 million
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$6 million
ACT Alliance / National Council of Churches of Kenya
Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs
$4.4 million
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid
Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$10.9 million
ACT Alliance/Ethiopian Orthodox Church-Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission
$2 million
Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization
Health and Nutrition | Protection
$0.9 million
Action for the Needy in Ethiopia
Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2.3 million
Africa Humanitarian Action
Health and Nutrition
$57 thousand
African Humanitarian Aid and Development Agency
Shelter and NFIs
$333 thousand
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment
$0.8 million
American Refugee Committee
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs
$0.7 million
Andre Foods South Sudan
Health and Nutrition | Protection
$408 thousand
Association for Aid and Relief Japan
$445 thousand
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment | Protection
$7 million
Bethany Christian Services
Health and Nutrition | Protection
$364 thousand
Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection
$1 million
Care and Assistance for Forced Migrants
Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1.1 million
CARE International
Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection
$1.8 million
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1.8 million
Catholic Relief Services
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1.9 million
Center for Victims of Torture
$2 million
$270 thousand
Community Technology Empowerment Network
Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection
$400 thousand
Concern Worldwide
Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition
$2.3 million
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition
$0.6 million
Danish Refugee Council
Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$4.8 million
Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2.7 million
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Livelihoods and Resilience | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1.8 million
EPER - Swiss Church Aid
Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2.2 million
Film Aid - South Sudan
Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection
$469 thousand
Finnish Refugee Council
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection
$1.2 million
Fins Medical University
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection
$156 thousand
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment
$3.9 million
Food for the Hungry
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1.4 million
Health and Nutrition
$2 million
Haileybury Youth Trust
$55 thousand
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Protection
$2.2 million
Health and Rights Initiative Uganda
$1 million
HelpAge International
Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Protection | Shelter and NFIs
$0.6 million
Hope Health Action
Health and Nutrition
$464 thousand
Humane Africa Mission
Livelihoods and Resilience
$1 million
Humanitarian Assistance and Development Services
Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection
$250 thousand
Humanitarian Initiative Just Relief Aid Organization
Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$470 thousand
Hunger Fighters Uganda
Livelihoods and Resilience
$300 thousand
International Aid Services
Livelihoods and Resilience | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$450 thousand
International Medical Corps US
Health and Nutrition | Protection
$4.1 million
International Organization for Migration
Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$7.6 million
International Rescue Committee
Education | Health and Nutrition | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$17.1 million
Jesuit Refugee Service
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Protection | Shelter and NFIs
$2.2 million
Johanniter Germany
Health and Nutrition
$481 thousand
Kadafrica Agribusiness Development Foundation
Livelihoods and Resilience
$50 thousand
Kenya Red Cross Society
Health and Nutrition
$1.1 million
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3 million
Medical Teams International
Health and Nutrition
$2 million
Medici con l'Africa CUAMM
Health and Nutrition
$1.4 million
Mercy Corps
Food Security
$5.5 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3.6 million
Peace Winds
Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2.5 million
Plan International
Education | Protection
$6.5 million
Refugee Consortium of Kenya
$1.7 million
Right to Play
Education | Health and Nutrition | Protection
$1 million
Salesians of Don Bosco – Kenya
Livelihoods and Resilience
$185 thousand
Samaritan's Purse
Livelihoods and Resilience | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$0.9 million
Save the Children
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection
$11.2 million
Self Help Africa
Livelihoods and Resilience
$1 million
Street Child Organization
Education | Protection
$1.1 million
The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid
$357 thousand
Transcultural Psychosocial Organization
$2 million
Tutapona Trauma Rehabilitation
$300 thousand
Uganda Association of Women Lawyers
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Protection
$156 thousand
Uganda Refugee and Disaster Management Council
Livelihoods and Resilience | Shelter and NFIs
$396 thousand
UN Women
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection
$1.4 million
United Nations Children's Fund
Education | Health and Nutrition | Protection | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$20.1 million
United Nations Development Programme
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Energy and Environment
$12.5 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$354.6 million
United Nations Population Fund
Health and Nutrition | Protection
$9.2 million
Village Enterprise
Livelihoods and Resilience
$0.8 million
War Child Canada
$175 thousand
War Child Holland
Education | Protection
$0.9 million
Windle International Kenya
$1.1 million
Windle International Uganda
$2.1 million
World Food Programme
Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition
$277.7 million
World Health Organization
Health and Nutrition
$5.9 million
World Vision International
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Food Security | Health and Nutrition | Energy and Environment | Protection | Shelter and NFIs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
$12 million
Education | Livelihoods and Resilience | Energy and Environment | Protection
$1.6 million