Livelihoods and Social Cohesion

  • Requirements ($)
    $761.4 million
  • Funding ($)
    $76.7 million
  • % Funded

Livelihoods and Social Cohesion

Sector member organizations


Sector member organizations

Organization Projects Sectors Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / Finn Church Aid
$1.7 million
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
$162 thousand
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
$11.2 million
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
$16.8 million
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
$0.6 million
$0.5 million
Al Fayhaa Association
$380 thousand
AMEL - Lebanese Association for Popular Action
$0.8 million
American Near East Refugee Aid
$20 thousand
$0.8 million
ARCS ARCI Cultura e Sviluppo
$2.9 million
Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants
$1.2 million
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
$3.3 million
Basmeh and Zeitooneh for Relief and Development - Gülümseme ve Zeytin
$0.5 million
Blumont International
$1.6 million
Borderless NGO
$0.8 million
CARE International
$5 million
$2.5 million
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
$3.5 million
Concern Worldwide
$280 thousand
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
$5.9 million
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
$4.7 million
Danish Refugee Council
$15.3 million
Fair Trade Lebanon
$30 thousand
Farah Social Foundation
$450 thousand
Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario
$346 thousand
Field Ready
$93 thousand
Future Pioneers for Empowereing Communities
$300 thousand
Good Neighbors
$169 thousand
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
$1.2 million
House of Peace
$440 thousand
Ihsan for Relief and Development
$150 thousand
Inogar Cooperative
$100 thousand
Instituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Onlus
$0.5 million
International Alert
$253 thousand
International Centre for Migration Policy Development
$10.7 million
International Humanitarian Relief
$160 thousand
International Labour Organization
$40.5 million
International Organization for Migration
$38.9 million
International Orthodox Christian Charities
$1 million
International Psycho-Social and Educational Association
$214 thousand
International Rescue Committee
$2.6 million
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
$0.6 million
Islamic Relief Worldwide
$486 thousand
Islamic welfare Association
$10 thousand
Jordan River Foundation
$268 thousand
Leb Relief
$2.7 million
Lebanese Association for Development Al Majmoua
$1 million
Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development
$128 thousand
Mercy Corps
$7.9 million
Michel Daher Social Foundation
$1.8 million
Mine Action Group
$6.5 million
Misean Cara
$0.6 million
Mühendisler Topluluğu Derneği
$222 thousand
Mülteci Destek Derneği
$150 thousand
Mülteciler ve Siginmacilar Yasdimlasma ve Dayanisma Dernegi
$300 thousand
Near East Foundation
$4.3 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$3.8 million
Openness Development Association
$1 million
$11.7 million
People in Need
$201 thousand
Plan International
$0.6 million
Polish Center for International Aid
$0.6 million
Polish Humanitarian Action
$90 thousand
Qatar Charity
$3.3 million
Rahma Center For Community Services
$122 thousand
$1.9 million
Relief International
$4.5 million
René Moawad Foundation
$1 million
RET International
$0.9 million
Right to Play
$1.2 million
Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature
$1.1 million
Safadi Foundation
$2.3 million
Salam Lebanese Association for Development and Communication
$35 thousand
Save the Children
$5.1 million
Sawa for Development and Aid
$400 thousand
Search for Common Ground
$95 thousand
Secours Islamique France
$1.8 million
ShareQ Organization
$350 thousand
Side by Side Special Needs Organization
$275 thousand
Small Projects Istanbul
$135 thousand
Social Humanitarian Economical Intervention for Local Development
$5.6 million
Social Skills Association
$400 thousand
Soins infirmiers et développement communautaire
$78 thousand
Solidarités International
$3.4 million
$2.7 million
Support to Life
$115 thousand
$0.6 million
Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization
$253 thousand
$390 thousand
Terre des Hommes - Italy
$51 thousand
The Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training
$0.9 million
The Research Centre on Asylum and Migration
$312 thousand
The Social Association
$5 thousand
The Swedish Development Aid organization
$46 thousand
UN agencies and NGOs (Confidential)
$156.1 million
UN Women
$2.2 million
United Nations Children's Fund
$20.6 million
United Nations Development Programme
$209 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$57.1 million
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
$7 million
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
$51 thousand
United Nations Office for Project Services
$12 million
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
$1.2 million
Violet Organization
$150 thousand
WATAD Association
$365 thousand
WATAN Foundation
$0.8 million
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus
$1.8 million
World Food Programme
$14.1 million
World Vision International
$13.2 million
$2.8 million