
  • Original requirements ($)
    $371.5 million
  • Current requirements ($)
    $376 million
  • Funding ($)
    $206.4 million
  • % Funded
More information in FTS

Financial data by cluster


Financial data by cluster

Cluster Requirements ($) Funding ($) % Funded
$17.3 million
$8.8 million
$9.2 million
$1.1 million
$21.2 million
$14.3 million
$94.9 million
$63.8 million
$19.2 million
$19.3 million
$24.3 million
$5.4 million
$34.6 million
$13.3 million
$120.2 million
$49.5 million
$13 million
$7.6 million
$22.1 million
$2.2 million
Funding to sector not reported N/A
$8.3 million
Funding to multiple sector (shared) N/A
$12.8 million

Organizations overview


Organizations overview

Organization Clusters Requirements ($)
Academie Camerounaise des Formations
$52 thousand
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
$2.5 million
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
$9.4 million
Action Locale pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré
$313 thousand
Advocates for Social Inclusion and Community Development
$135 thousand
Africa Millennium Development Network
$229 thousand
Afrique Solidarité - Suisse
$250 thousand
Agence Humanitaire Africaine
$1.8 million
Alliance for International Medical Action
$2.4 million
Association for Gender Equality and child Safety
$78 thousand
Association IDEOS
$123 thousand
Authentique Memorial Empowerment Foundation
$385 thousand
Basic Assistance Humanitarian Organization
$1.4 million
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Peace and Hope
$159 thousand
Cameroon Development and Education Foundation
$122 thousand
Cameroon Farmers Empowerment and Development Organization
$49 thousand
Cameroon Humanitarian, Educational Leadership for Peace and Development
$135 thousand
Caritas - Kumba
$498 thousand
Caritas Cameroun
$34 thousand
Caritas Kumbo
$151 thousand
Caritas Mamfe
$290 thousand
Carpentry and Joinery Association
$27 thousand
Catholic Relief Services
$2.3 million
Center for Research, Education and Resources Distribution to the Rural and Underprivileged People
$37 thousand
Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy
$107 thousand
Centre pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l'Enfant
$27 thousand
Civil Society Organisations Union (OMAM)
$350 thousand
Community Health and Social Development for Cameroon
$2.8 million
Community Initiative for Sustainable Development Cameroon
$238 thousand
Cuso International
$469 thousand
Danish Refugee Council
$9.3 million
DEMTOU Humanitaire
$0.9 million
Dynamic Femmes
$105 thousand
Education Cameroon
$195 thousand
Education Fight Aids, Cameroon
$0.7 million
Education for All
$15 thousand
Environmental Protection and Development Association
$0.6 million
Fondation Itaka Escolapios
$85 thousand
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
$20 million
Forest and Agroforestry Promoters
$325 thousand
Global Community Rescue
$423 thousand
Global Welfare Association
$0.6 million
Grace Chin Foundation
$234 thousand
Green Partners Association
$1.4 million
Health Development Consultancy Services
$69 thousand
Hope for a better Future
$0.8 million
Humanitarian Association of Dynamic Youths Guiding Services
$388 thousand
Indigenous Volunteers for Sustainable Peace and Development
$175 thousand
International Emergency and Development Aid
$1 million
International Medical Corps US
$5.9 million
International Organization for Migration
$6 million
International Rescue Committee
$9.7 million
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
$2 million
Jesuit Refugee Service
$1.7 million
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Foundation
$2 million
Miracle Charity Foundation
$213 thousand
Nascent Solutions Inc.
$1.3 million
National Youth Development Organization
$80 thousand
Nkong Hill Top Association for Development
$0.6 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$8.4 million
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
$4.9 million
Oganization for Women's Empowerment and Development
$50 thousand
Pan African Institute for Development West Africa
$172 thousand
Plan International
$3.4 million
Plan Ireland
$0.6 million
Première Urgence Internationale
$3.9 million
Presbyterian Church of Cameroon Health Services
$117 thousand
Queen Fogang Foundation
$17 thousand
Reach Out NGO
$0.5 million
Reconciliation and Development Association
$46 thousand
Recover and Rehabilitate for Better Tomorrow
$200 thousand
Respect Cameroon
$367 thousand
Société Civile pour la Promotion des Droits et Devoirs
$0.6 million
Solidarités International
$4.2 million
SOS Villages d'Enfants
$38 thousand
Sourire d'enfants Cameroun
$1.4 million
Strategic Humanitarian Services
$1.5 million
Street Child Organization
$1 million
Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Services Foundation
$0.9 million
United Nations Children's Fund
$40.1 million
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
$208 thousand
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
$2 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$108.4 million
United Nations Population Fund
$4.2 million
United Youths Organization
$109 thousand
Value Heath Africa
$85 thousand
Women Access to Relief and Development Actions
$279 thousand
World Food Programme
$88.9 million
World Health Organization
$6.1 million
Youth Education on Environment
$188 thousand