Presence of humanitarian actors

  • Clusters
  • Organizations
  • Projects

Operations by location


Operations by location

Operations by organization


Operations by organization

Organization Clusters Projects
Academie Camerounaise des Formations
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Action Locale pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré
Advocates for Social Inclusion and Community Development
Africa Millennium Development Network
Afrique Solidarité - Suisse
Agence Humanitaire Africaine
Alliance for International Medical Action
Association for Gender Equality and child Safety
Association IDEOS
Authentique Memorial Empowerment Foundation
Basic Assistance Humanitarian Organization
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Peace and Hope
Cameroon Development and Education Foundation
Cameroon Farmers Empowerment and Development Organization
Cameroon Humanitarian, Educational Leadership for Peace and Development
Caritas - Kumba
Caritas Cameroun
Caritas Kumbo
Caritas Mamfe
Carpentry and Joinery Association
Catholic Relief Services
Center for Research, Education and Resources Distribution to the Rural and Underprivileged People
Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy
Centre pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l'Enfant
Civil Society Organisations Union (OMAM)
Community Health and Social Development for Cameroon
Community Initiative for Sustainable Development Cameroon
Cuso International
Danish Refugee Council
DEMTOU Humanitaire
Dynamic Femmes
Education Cameroon
Education Fight Aids, Cameroon
Education for All
Environmental Protection and Development Association
Fondation Itaka Escolapios
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forest and Agroforestry Promoters
Global Community Rescue
Global Welfare Association
Grace Chin Foundation
Green Partners Association
Health Development Consultancy Services
Hope for a better Future
Humanitarian Association of Dynamic Youths Guiding Services
Indigenous Volunteers for Sustainable Peace and Development
International Emergency and Development Aid
International Medical Corps US
International Organization for Migration
International Rescue Committee
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Jesuit Refugee Service
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Foundation
Miracle Charity Foundation
Nascent Solutions Inc.
National Youth Development Organization
Nkong Hill Top Association for Development
Norwegian Refugee Council
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Oganization for Women's Empowerment and Development
Pan African Institute for Development West Africa
Plan International
Plan Ireland
Première Urgence Internationale
Presbyterian Church of Cameroon Health Services
Queen Fogang Foundation
Reach Out NGO
Reconciliation and Development Association
Recover and Rehabilitate for Better Tomorrow
Respect Cameroon
Société Civile pour la Promotion des Droits et Devoirs
Solidarités International
SOS Villages d'Enfants
Sourire d'enfants Cameroun
Strategic Humanitarian Services
Street Child Organization
Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Services Foundation
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Population Fund
United Youths Organization
Value Heath Africa
Women Access to Relief and Development Actions
World Food Programme
World Health Organization
Youth Education on Environment