Logical framework

  • Strategic Objectives
  • Specific Objectives
  • Cluster Objectives

Response plan


Mozambique Humanitarian Response Plan 2022

Plan caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
Final HRP caseload

Strategic Objectives


Save lives and alleviate suffering through safe, equitable, gender-sensitive and principled intersectoral assistance to the most vulnerable groups, including those displaced, directly impacted host communities and non-displaced people

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Enhance timely and adapted access to essential services, including basic services, livelihoods and assistance that will strength the resilience of people impacted by the crisis

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Address the protection risks and needs of affected people–including gender-based violence and child rights violations and strengthen the protection environment in northern Mozambique through collective and intersectoral action to protect women and girls, men and boys as well as uphold commitments to the centrality of protection across the humanitarian response in Mozambique

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Specific Objectives


Reduce the number of people facing acute food insecurity and malnutrition by 20 percent and mitigate negative coping mechanisms by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Provide an integrated WASH and Health response in xxx cholera-prone districts to reduce excess morbidity and mortality from cholera by the end of 2022

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Provide emergency obstetric care for xxx women at-risk of maternal complications by the end of 2022

Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Increase the number of conflict-affected people (both displaced and resident) with safe, equitable and dignified access to life-sustaining essential services—including education, water, health and shelter—by the end of 2022.

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Protect and support the livelihoods of xxxx people in the three northern districts through emergency agriculture, fishing and other livelihoods support, in line with their livelihoods and seasonality

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Provide access to age, gender and disability adapted services —including MHPSS, child protection and GBV, including boys, girls, adolescents, people with disabilities, people with HIV and older people, who are facing life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, by the end of 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Promote inter-agency collective action on the centrality of protection by ensuring implementation of: mitigating measures, complaint and feedback mechanisms, PSEA and child safeguarding focal points and disability inclusion across the humanitarian response in 2022

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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Provide integrated response and services to prevent, mitigate, and address protection risks across sectors and achieve positive protective outcomes

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Caseload People in need People targeted People reached People reached %
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Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
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