Shelter / NFI / CCCM
Cluster Objectives
To assist IDPs and other conflict and disaster affected people with emergency, temporary shelter, or semi-permanent shelter support (including the maintenance, repair, upgrading and replacement of existing shelters) and NFI provision that enhances protection, dignity, security, and privacy, and improves living conditions and/or assists a transition towards the achievement of durable solutions
To strengthen the capacities of camp management agencies (CMAs) and other relevant actors to coordinate service assistance and manage camps/ camp like settings to improve the quality of life of IDPs who are in camps/sites focused on solutions-oriented approach
To assist returnees/ resettled, non-displaced stateless people with emergency, temporary shelter, or semi-permanent shelter support (including the maintenance, repair, upgrading and replacement of existing shelters) and NFI provision, including vulnerable people, to enhance protection, dignity, security, and privacy, and improves living conditions and/or assists a transition towards the achievement of durable solutions
Cluster Activities
Provision of Shelter kit/items in kind, including transport or Cash support; or reconstruction / improvement, support with material, cash assistance
Distribution of NFI distribution full kit/items to IDPs
Implementation of CCCM activities in sites-Site improvement, Capacity building, CMC training, CRM, remote support
Provision of Shelter kit/items in kind, including transport, or Cash support; or reconstruction / improvement, support with material, cash assistance
Distribution of NFI distribution full kit/items