Occupied Palestinian Territory


  • Original requirements ($)
    $510 million
  • Current requirements ($)
    $376.7 million
  • Funding ($)
    $367 million
  • % Funded
More information in FTS

Financial data by cluster


Financial data by cluster

Cluster Requirements ($) Funding ($) % Funded
$9.5 million
$5 million
$26.2 million
$15.4 million
$209.8 million
$226.6 million
$34.6 million
$28.3 million
$14.2 million
$27.4 million
$30.1 million
$26.1 million
$26.1 million
$16.3 million
$26 million
$6.1 million
Funding to cluster not reported N/A
$15.6 million

Organizations overview


Organizations overview

Organizations Clusters Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / Dan Church Aid - Norwegian Church Aid Joint office in Palestine
$3.1 million
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
$1.8 million
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
$7.3 million
Agriculture Development Association
$3.2 million
Al Awda Health and Community Association
$0.9 million
Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
$187 thousand
Alianza por la Solidaridad
$1.5 million
American Near East Refugee Aid
$2.1 million
Arab Agronomist Association
$1.2 million
Ard El Insan Palestinian Benevolent Association
$0.9 million
Asamblea De Cooperacion Por La Paz
$1.5 million
Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children
$321 thousand
Beit Lahia Development Association
$350 thousand
CARE International
$5.7 million
Catholic Relief Services
$3.2 million
Center for Mind Body Medicine
$357 thousand
Center for Women’s Legal Research and Consulting
$374 thousand
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
$1.6 million
Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi Center for Culture and Development
$170 thousand
Economic & Social Development Centre of Palestine
$430 thousand
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
$13.4 million
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
$419 thousand
Global Communities
$3.3 million
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
$7.8 million
House of Water and Environment
$450 thousand
Islamic Relief Worldwide
$2.3 million
Japan Campaign for Children of Palestine
$1.2 million
Japan International Volunteer Center
$376 thousand
MA'AN Development Center
$7.1 million
Médecins du Monde
$6.7 million
Médecins du Monde Suisse
$1.3 million
Medical Aid for Palestinians
$2.3 million
Mercy Corps
$5 million
Mothers' School Society
$250 thousand
Natuf for Environment and Community Development
$266 thousand
NGO Development Center
$0.7 million
Norwegian People's Aid
$1 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$28.4 million
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
$7.6 million
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
$0.7 million
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
$3.9 million
Palestine Save the Children Foundation
$341 thousand
Palestinian Al Nakheel Association for Progress and Development
$1.2 million
Palestinian Environmental Friends
$0.5 million
Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network
$61 thousand
Palestinian Housing Council
$1.7 million
Palestinian Hydrology Group
$1.8 million
Partners for Sustainable Development
$465 thousand
Physicians for Human Rights Israel
$1.5 million
Première Urgence Internationale
$7.2 million
Psycho Social Counselling Center for Women
$370 thousand
Public Aid Society
$0.7 million
Qatar Red Crescent Society
$3 million
Rural Women's Development Society
$235 thousand
Save the Children
$4.9 million
Save Youth Future Society
$0.7 million
Secours Islamique France
$0.9 million
Society of Saint Yves
$67 thousand
St. John Eye Hospital
$1.2 million
Teacher Creativity Centre
$0.9 million
Terre des Hommes - Lausanne
$1.8 million
The Palestinian Developmental Women Studies Association
$281 thousand
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
$0.7 million
United Nations Children's Fund
$21.8 million
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
$500 thousand
United Nations Mine Action Service
$1.7 million
United Nations Office for Project Services
$1.1 million
United Nations Population Fund
$6.7 million
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
$206.1 million
War Child Holland
$1.2 million
Wefaq Society for Women and Child Care
$232 thousand
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus
$5.4 million
Women's Affairs Center
$0.5 million
World Food Programme
$85.3 million
World Health Organization
$12.5 million
World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza
$1 million
Yesh Din - Volunteers for Human Rights
$1.8 million