Cluster Objectives
Ensure the availability of acceptable and quality essential healthcare services to vulnerable communities in oPt
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
No data found for this table. |
Strengthen the healthcare system's capacity to respond to emergencies and build community resilience to cope with the impact of current and future crises
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
No data found for this table. |
Advocate for unhindered and equitable access to healthcare and protection of the right to health for all, including the most vulnerable in oPt
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of patients, companions and healthcare workers benefitting from documentation, monitoring and advocacy activities (sex, age and disability disaggregated indicator)
No data
No data
Cluster Activities
Provide L2 PHC health care and specialized services using mobile clinics, including consultations, supply of drugs/equipment/ disposables, and prevention and referral of SGBV
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people benefited from L2 PHC mobile services
No data
No data
# of people benefited from specialized mobile services
No data
No data
# of mobile clinics health workers/community volunteers trained on different health topics
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of SGBV/MHPSS cases referred to specialized health facilities by a mobile clinic
No data
No data
# of people directly benefitting from awareness sessions on health / nutrition education
No data
No data
Deliver essential elective surgery, emergency, and trauma care at all levels of the pathway, through life- and limb-saving training, triage and injury protocols, deployment of emergency medical teams, timely data, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of emergency surgical interventions conducted
No data
No data
# of patients treated for limb reconstruction / specialized surgeries
No data
No data
# of patients benefitted from provision of elective surgery intervention
No data
No data
# of people benefited from deployed EMTs
No data
No data
# of cases received care in the emergency department using a standard validated triage tool and vital signs monitoring
No data
No data
# of health workers trained on emergency and trauma, ICU, and rehabilitation related care
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of patients treated for post-operative/ rehabilitation care
No data
No data
# of cases received frontline / prehospital care
No data
No data
# of people benefited from procured emergency drugs and medical supplies (for non service provider organizations)
No data
No data
# of ambulance vehicles maintained / equipped
No data
No data
# of cases received care in emergency rooms at PHCs
No data
No data
Provide essential medical supplies (medicines, disposables, blood components, etc) for acutely vulnerable NCD patients and preventive activities at the community level
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people benefited from advanced cardiovascular and renal surgeries
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers providing NCD treatment trained on NCD management
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of people benefited from advanced diabetic foot management
No data
No data
# of elderly people benefitted from elderly care outreach services
No data
No data
# of people benefited from procured drugs and medical supplies (for non-service provider organizations)
No data
No data
# of people benefited from palliative care
No data
No data
# of NCD patients benefitted from access to medicines (cancer, diabetic >60 and <18, Cardiovascular diseases >60, and patients with kidney failure)
No data
No data
# of people directly benefiting from NCD awareness sessions
No data
No data
Provide access to healthcare and nutrition that prevent excessive maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by ensuring availability of preconception care, clean and safe delivery, essential newborn care, safe spaces, and emergency obstetric services are available at all times
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of female adolescents benefited from nutritional supplements, hygienic kits, and awareness sessions
No data
No data
# of neonates receiving healthcare services in NICUs
No data
No data
# of facilities with safe spaces for children <5 and lactating women
No data
No data
# of neonates benefited from procured drugs and medical supplies (for non -service organizations)
No data
No data
# of people benefitted from awareness sessions on SRMCHN
No data
No data
# of < 5 children receiving health and nutrition interventions, including those with PKU, Cystic Fibrosis, Metabolic disorders, and Congenital Deformity that require medical intervention
No data
No data
# of < 5 children benefited from procured drugs and medical supplies (for non -service organizations)
No data
No data
# of women in reproductive age, pregnant and lactating women benefited from procured drugs and medical supplies (for non -service organizations)
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers trained on Sexual Reproductive and Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (SRMCHN)
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of women in reproductive age, pregnant and lactating women receiving maternal and nutrition services
No data
No data
Deliver multidisciplinary management of neglected people with disabilities (PwD) including rehabilitation services, psychosocial support and community awareness on disabilities and other cross cutting issues.
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people directly benefiting from disability care awareness sessions
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers trained of inclusive healthcare services
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of PwDs with access to multidisciplinary rehabilitation
No data
No data
# of health facilities adapted to increase accessibility by PwDs
No data
No data
Deliver MHPSS services for moderate and severe cases ensuring inclusion of marginalized people and those exposed to traumatic events through integration of MH into all health facilities, inclusion of child mental health, raising awareness and destigmatization, strengthening referral mechanism, capacity building for healthcare workers and provision of essential psychotropic medicines.
- check_circleCluster Objective 1
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people referred to specialized MH services
No data
No data
# of people benefited from mental health awareness / destigmatization sessions
No data
No data
# of people benefitted from procured drugs and medical supplies (for non -service organizations)
No data
No data
# of patients benefitted from MHPSS services
No data
No data
# of trained healthcare providers and community workers on MHPSS, including mhGAP and GBV
Service Providers
No data
No data
Enhance surveillance and preparedness within the health sector to better deal with sudden onset events, such as heightened conflict and disease outbreak, through prepositioning of medical supplies, capacity building, enhanced coordination, and communication.
- check_circleCluster Objective 2
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of trained staff on rapid response to disease outbreaks
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of people benefitted from prepositioned medical supplies
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers trained on emergency preparedness, surveillance, and early detection of communicable diseases
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of healthcare facilities with prepositioned medical supplies
No data
No data
Support COVID-19 response and management of other outbreak-related communicable diseases focusing on diagnosis, case management,
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people attended RCCE activities
No data
No data
# of people vaccinated against emerging communicable diseases
No data
No data
# of improved hand hygiene facilities in critical points (e.g. inside wards, toilets, and food preparation area)
No data
No data
# of people benefitted from procured medical supplies (for non-service provider organizations)
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers monitored for compliance with protocols and SoPs related to IPC and case management
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers benefitted from procured medical supplies (for non-service provider organizations)
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of healthcare workers trained on communicable diseases related issues /subjects
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of people tested to detect outbreak-related communicable diseases including COVID-19
No data
No data
# of people provided case management services
No data
No data
Reduce financial barriers to access medical services
- check_circleCluster Objective 2
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of people benefitted from cash and voucher assistance for the improvement of health condition
No data
No data
Document and monitor barriers to healthcare services access, including for patients, companions and health workers requiring permits to reach essential healthcare services, as a basis for evidence-based advocacy.
- check_circleCluster Objective 3
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
# of patients requiring back-to-back ambulance transfer at checkpoints
No data
No data
# of health workers requiring Israeli permits to reach their place of work
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of patients requiring Israeli permits to reach essential health care
No data
No data
Document and monitor availability of key health care resources and attacks on healthcare as a basis for prevention efforts and evidence-based advocacy
- check_circleCluster Objective 3
Indicator | Unit | Target | Measure | Progress |
% of agencies actively reporting through the Surveillance System for Attacks on health care
No data
No data
# of health workers trained on health attacks identification and reporting
Health Workers
No data
No data
# of agencies contributing to documentation of attacks on healthcare
No data
No data
# of information / advocacy products issued highlighting drugs and medical supplies status
No data
No data