Occupied Palestinian Territory


  • People in need
    1.4 million
  • People targeted
    0.9 million
  • People reached
    No data
  • People reached %
  • Requirements ($)
    $26 million
  • Funding ($)
    $6.1 million
  • % Funded

Cluster Objectives


In accordance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights (IHRL), Palestinians living under occupation access safe and adequate WASH services with dignity



Ensure equitable, affordable and sustainable safely-managed access to sufficient WASH services for the most vulnerable Palestinians.



Strengthen WASH preparedness and response capacity to the most vulnerable Palestinians to reduce threats and cope with emergencies and shocks.


Population data by location for the cluster

Cluster member organizations


Cluster member organizations

Organizations Projects Clusters Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / Dan Church Aid - Norwegian Church Aid Joint office in Palestine
$496 thousand
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
$1.1 million
Agriculture Development Association
$0.6 million
American Near East Refugee Aid
$1.5 million
Arab Agronomist Association
$458 thousand
Ard El Insan Palestinian Benevolent Association
$0.9 million
Asamblea De Cooperacion Por La Paz
$1.5 million
Beit Lahia Development Association
$350 thousand
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
$1.6 million
Economic & Social Development Centre of Palestine
$430 thousand
Global Communities
$3.3 million
House of Water and Environment
$450 thousand
Islamic Relief Worldwide
$169 thousand
MA'AN Development Center
$0.8 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$14.8 million
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
$1.4 million
Palestinian Environmental Friends
$0.5 million
Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network
$61 thousand
Palestinian Hydrology Group
$1.8 million
Qatar Red Crescent Society
$0.5 million
Save the Children
$1.7 million
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
$383 thousand
United Nations Children's Fund
$5.2 million
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
$500 thousand
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
$2.8 million
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus
$2.4 million