Protection Caseload Breakdown
Cluster Objectives
Strengthened protection for persons of concern, including prevention and mitigation of rights violations. The Protection Cluster and AoR partners aim to provide legal and individual protection assistance (in cash and in-kind), psycho-social support, case management, mobile outreach support, safe spaces, mine clearance and mine risk education.
Persons of concern benefit from full and non-discriminatory access to essential services and enjoyment of their rights, with particular attention to the most vulnerable. The Protection Cluster and AoR partners aim to achieve this objective through facilitating freedom of movement and humanitarian access, including through the provision of civil documentation, protection monitoring, information dissemination, explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) and marking hazards.
Improved the social cohesion and resilience of conflict-affected people, and support persons of concern in identifying durable solutions. The Protection Cluster and AoR partners are committed to achieve this objective by fostering social cohesion, peaceful co-existence and durable solutions by ensuring interventions that will focus on community-based protection and resilience, as well as empowerment of crisis-affected people.