Central Emergency Response Fund
The CERF provides rapid initial funding for life-saving actions at the onset of emergencies and for poorly funded, essential humanitarian operations in protracted crises. The OCHA-managed CERF receives contributions from various donors – mainly governments, but also private companies, foundations, charities, and individuals – which are combined into a single fund. This is used for crises anywhere in the world.
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund
The Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) is a country-based pooled fund (CBPF). CBPFs are multi-donor humanitarian financing instruments established by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) and managed by OCHA, at the country level under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC).
Government of Ethiopia
The Government of Ethiopia has a risk financing mechanism for humanitarian and development interventions. Bilateral financial support directly targeting the Government of Ethiopia can be made through this channel.