This Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) provides an overview of the response planned for 2024 using the information available as of the begin- ning of the year. Regular situational and response monitoring will be carried out throughout the year and will help assess the evolution of the humani- tarian situation, needs and response and may lead to updates to the figures presented in this HRP.
The overall People in Need (PIN) was determined by taking the highest sectoral PIN number at the unit of analysis (population group in a woreda), and summing all the population groups in all woredas to reach the overall PIN at national level. The intersectoral target was determined by taking the highest target at the unit of analysis (population group in a woreda) across all planned direct forms of humanitarian response interventions, and summing all the population groups in all woredas to reach the total intersectoral target at national level. These methodologies avoid possible double counting of people in need and people targeted across sectors. The overall PIN and the overall target therefore also include everyone who is in need and targeted, respectively, of food assistance. For example, in an area where the food security situation is relatively good, the people in need and people targeted for health or WASH might be the highest number among the non-displaced population. These methodologies are in line with the latest global best practices and standards, such as the Joint and Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) 2.0 ( |