Summary of needs
As of October 2024, over 880,000 people remain in 124 formal and informal displacement sites across South Sudan, facing severe vulnerability due to limited alternatives. Unplanned, self-settled IDP sites are particularly at risk of exclusion from essential services. In 2024, more than 320,000 people in these sites lacked CCCM support due to resource constraints, limiting access to coordinated services, community support and vital information. In 2025, CCCM partners will continue managing reception and transit centres as part of the Sudan response, coordinating the provision of life-saving assistance for new arrivals. Based on monthly site verifications conducted in 2024, the cluster anticipates that 15 per cent of the returnees from Sudan will settle in existing displacement sites countrywide. The cluster will leverage its role as a bridge between service providers, IDPs, resident populations and Government authorities to identify and support effective, sustainable solutions for people in displacement sites.
CCCM Sectoral People in Needs 2025
CCCM Sectoral Severity of Needs 2025
CCCM Sectoral People Targeted 2025
Response strategy
In 2025, the CCCM Cluster will employ an area-based site management approach to reach underserved sites, working through localized response and coordination structures. Mobile response will continue to be a short-term emergency response approach to new displacements. In sites with CCCM presence, partners will continue to explore strategies for transitioning site management responsibilities to community self-governance structures and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission. The cluster will address the multi-dimensional needs of IDPs, promote comprehensive and durable solutions, and ensure that the needs of IDPs are integrated into the decision-making process. The cluster’s site profiling tool will provide site-specific information for programming and inform partners across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.
Targeting and prioritization
The CCCM Cluster will continue to prioritize IDPs residing in formal and informal sites across the country, alongside returnees in reception and transit centres linked to the ongoing Sudan response. IDPs already integrated with host communities are not under the cluster’s coverage. This targeted approach focuses on communities with the highest vulnerabilities in underserved and high-risk areas. People in displacement sites have limited access to essential services and lack stability and resources, making them a critical priority for CCCM interventions.
Promoting accountable and inclusive programming
The cluster works with displaced communities to create or enhance safe spaces, establishing governance and participatory structures that foster social cohesion and inclusive decision-making. This approach empowers affected people and strengthens community participation, ensuring that programming reflects their priorities. By integrating affected populations’ perspectives, CCCM helps ensure that humanitarian efforts are both inclusive and responsive to needs.
The detailed cluster strategy can be found online