South Sudan

Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan South Sudan 2025 / Part 3: Cluster needs and response

3.2 Coordination and Common Services

Requirements (US$)
$36 million

Summary of needs

With increasing humanitarian needs in South Sudan, demand for Coordination and Common Services (CCS) continues to rise, adding pressure to existing services. There is a demand for better situational awareness, displacement tracking and needs analysis to inform the prioritization of humanitarian response given reduced funding. There is also a need to maintain sustained coordination at national, sub-national and deep-field levels to maximize impact, efficiency and effectiveness. With South Sudan being one of the most dangerous places for aid workers, the operational environment is difficult and dangerous. Enhanced, dedicated access and civil-military coordination support is required to enable humanitarian partners to continue delivering life-saving assistance to people in hard-to-reach areas. With no solution to the Sudan crisis, the influx of people from Sudan to South Sudan will continue. Onward transportation assistance must be sustained to avoid overcrowding of arrivals in transit centres.

Response priorities

The CCS Sector will prioritize the following activities:

Strengthening coordination: CCS partners will support principled, efficient and effective context-specific coordination which is fit for purpose. At the national level, effort will be put into maintaining robust strategic coordination mechanisms including the HCT, the ICCG, AWG, the Information Management Working Group and other ad hoc mechanisms as and when the situation demands.

Needs assessment and analysis: In 2025, the CCS Sector will strengthen joint needs analysis and strategic response planning for effective and well-coordinated humanitarian action. The sector will ensure coordinated inter-sectoral needs assessment to inform strategic humanitarian needs and response planning and initial rapid needs assessment to inform operational response planning. It will also facilitate needs analysis and reporting to inform evidence-based prioritization, response planning and situational awareness.

Displacement tracking and monitoring: Given the high levels of displacement and/or risk of displacement in South Sudan, the humanitarian system must maintain a system that tracks and monitors population movements, including new and historical displacement and returns. This service will remain important in tracking the influx of arrivals from Sudan, internal displacement and returnee movements in South Sudan.

Programme quality: The CCS Sector will ensure the integration of cross-cutting issues including gender, AAP, conflict sensitivity, non-programmatic cash coordination and access analysis, reporting, negotiation and advocacy.

Humanitarian transportation: CCS partners will collaborate with authorities to facilitate onward transportation for incoming returnees from transit locations to final destinations, by river, air, road or a combination of modes. This response component has proven to be critical in the Sudan crisis in 2023 and 2024 in reducing the congestion in transit centres.