Camp Coordination and Camp Management cluster logical framework
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South Sudan Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2025
Vulnerable crises-affected people have reduced morbidity and mortality through equitable, safe, and dignified access to life-saving assistance to meet their needs.
Vulnerable crises-affected people’s protection risks are mitigated as humanitarians uphold a commitment to the centrality of protection in humanitarian action informed by communities’ priorities.
Vulnerable people’s capacity to withstand the impact of shock is increased, and nexus opportunities are optimized.
Crises-affected women, men, girls, boys, people with disabilities and the elderly have safe access to quality gender-responsive and inclusive life-saving services.
Prevalence of global acute malnutrition reduced among boys and girls under the age of 5 years, pregnant and lactating women in prioritized counties.
Women, men, girls and boys, people with disabilities and the elderly are protected from life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation and injury, as well as have access to specialized life-saving services.
The living and protection conditions of highly vulnerable IDPs, returnees and host communities are improved through equitable and safe access to assistance and protection.
Specialized protection and multi-sectoral services that are sensitive to gender, age and disability are provided to vulnerable groups, including survivors of gender-based violence, neglect, and sexual exploitation and abuse.
Conflict- and gender-sensitive access to safe housing, land, and property (HLP) is realized for women, men, girls, and boys, including sufficient security of tenure to enhance access to essential HLP services and livelihoods, including access to dispute resolution mechanisms.
Crises-affected people are consulted and engaged throughout the response, and their inputs are considered in decision-making by humanitarians promoting collective action on accountability to affected population.
The resilience of affected communities is increased through working with local actors (Government, NNGOs, CSOs, Faith based groups) and their capacity is supported to withstand community challenges after the emergency phase.
Synergies are created between humanitarian, peace, and development actors contributing to addressing root causes of vulnerability.