Myanmar Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2025 / Part 2: Humanitarian Response Plan

2.9 Monitoring

The overall monitoring of the humanitarian response in 2025 will be based on the nationwide targets, objectives and indicators set by clusters and agreed to by the HCT in this HNRP. The ICCG will take primary responsibility for ensuring that monitoring activities are completed, including regular reporting on the implementation of cluster response plans, progress on cross-cutting issues and analysis of challenges being faced. For the 2025 HNRP, the quarterly reporting cycle will be maintained. A concise dashboard on interim progress will be published for each quarter. Additionally, clusters will develop or continue producing a range of reports on the activities of their partners throughout the year, with several clusters moving to monthly instead of quarterly reporting cycles. All clusters use the online inter-cluster reporting tool ActivityInfo to facilitate simplified, secure, and fully aligned reporting, reducing the administrative burden of operational partners and encouraging increased reporting across the operation. In addition to reach, IDP projections will also be monitored throughout the year with the possibility of an HNRP revision should the numbers significantly diverge from the planning assumptions.

Monthly humanitarian updates with inputs from clusters will be issued once a quarter highlighting nationwide needs, response, gaps, and constraints. Flash updates will be utilized to highlight sudden changes in humanitarian need and context as required. Public websites, including ReliefWeb and the Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) website, will be utilized to disseminate various information products to a wider audience.

The 2025 HNRP monitoring framework has been designed to track and monitor cluster response activities delivered to those directly impacted by conflict and disasters, and to monitor activities benefiting other crisis-affected people who have humanitarian needs due to the wide deterioration in the situation. There are indicators monitoring the incidence of and response to the increased protection concerns of civilians resulting from conflict, including through the promotion of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The ICCG plans to conduct a fourth annual MSNA in 2025, which will allow clusters to track trends and the impact of their interventions with a national lens over time. Additionally, Areas of Concern assessments will be conducted with different geographic focus areas to provide information on smaller areas that are particularly affected by shocks, and to make results available shortly after data collection.

The HNRP 2025 Monitoring Framework can be accessed at:

Humanitarian programme cycle timeline