Myanmar Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2025 / Part 3: Cluster Response Plan

3.6 Shelter/NFI/CCCM

“Before, we didn’t have proper rooms in the camp. As teenagers, it was hard to find privacy, especially in a crowded space. But with these new transitional shelters, we finally have our own rooms. It feels good to have a private space—it makes a big difference.”

– An adolescent IDP in Kachin.

Key figures

Severity of needs

PiN and target


A total of 5.1 million people in Myanmar urgently need support with CCCM, NFIs and shelter. Funding shortages in 2024 left more than 40 per cent of the targeted population without essential aid, highlighting the urgent need for additional resources to reach affected populations effectively. Ongoing conflict and disasters in 2024 led to widespread displacement and the destruction of shelters, critical infrastructure and services, exacerbating shelter/NFI/CCCM needs. In Rakhine, the newly displaced populations face significant protection risks linked to inadequate shelter and limited access to essential NFIs. In the Northwest, armed conflict and ongoing insecurity have led to recurrent displacement, with 45 per cent of IDP and returnee households at risk of further displacement. Insufficient shelter and NFI support significantly heighten the vulnerability of these households, leaving them exposed to the impact of renewed conflict and deepening their humanitarian needs. In the Southeast, recurrent flooding has severely worsened living conditions for returnees and displaced families, particularly due to the destruction and loss of their shelters. Approximately 82 per cent of returnee households in this area live outside formal settlements, lacking stable shelter and essential facilities, which increases their exposure to health, protection, and safety risks. In the Northeast, the cyclical nature of armed conflict leads to repeated displacement, disrupting livelihoods and leaving families in temporary, insecure shelter arrangements. Together, these challenges highlight a critical need for comprehensive protection measures, improved shelter infrastructure, and regular NFI distributions to ensure the safety, security, and dignity of affected populations.


The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster aims to support nearly 2.5 million people in Myanmar in 2025, including IDPs, returnees, stateless people, and crisis-affected communities across regions such as Chin, Rakhine, Magway, Sagaing, Mandalay, and Kachin. The response focuses on areas with high conflict or disaster risk and prioritizes critical needs by providing NFIs, emergency shelter kits, reconstruction and repairs. To address vulnerabilities to disasters, Risk mitigation efforts will be implemented at household and community levels, especially to protect IDPs during monsoon flooding and avoid multiple displacement. For CCCM support, the Cluster will emphasize local management by empowering communities and encouraging local service providers. This move towards localization strengthens community involvement in camp management, promoting sustainable support for IDP sites.

Rakhine State remains a priority area, where Rohingya and Kaman populations in particular need shelter and NFI assistance, especially in camps. Escalating conflicts have led to new focus areas in the Southeast and Mandalay, where shelter, NFIs, and camp management training are prioritized for vulnerable populations, including women, children, and the elderly. In the Northeast, there is emphasis on transitional shelters for resettled populations, targeting communities with family-owned land and minimal housing options. People are prioritized based on vulnerability, and unmet shelter and NFI needs. A combination of in-kind support and cash assistance will be used, prioritizing cash assistance where markets are accessible, and local economies can be stimulated. In remote areas or situations with limited market access, in-kind aid will ensure reliable delivery of essential items.


The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster employs a data-driven monitoring system to address humanitarian needs, utilizing tools like cluster analysis reports, 5W reports, and gap analyses for efficient resource alignment. To improve data accuracy, the Cluster prioritizes the training of partners on data collection and reporting tools. Feedback mechanisms allow affected people to share concerns, guiding adjustments to the response. Adhering to shelter, NFI, environment, and cash-based assistance guidelines, the Cluster ensures quality and consistency in response efforts.

Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Strategy for Myanmar:

Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster at a glance: