Rohingya (JRP)


  • Requirements ($)
    $69 million
  • Funding ($)
    $11.7 million
  • % Funded

Sector Objectives


Access: Expand and strengthen immediate access to equitable learning opportunities, in a safe and protective environment, for crisis-affected refugee and host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit In Need Result Progress
Number of refugee girls and boys aged 3-24 years old having access to equitable learning opportunities, including life skills and resilience programs, in a safe, inclusive and protective environment
No data
No data
Number of safe and equipped learning facilities, including learning centres, community-based and cross-sectoral structures, with sex segregated accessible WASH facilities in refugee camps
No data
Number of government and non-formal schools in the host community benefitting from rehabilitation including accessibility works
No data
Number of crisis-affected host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old provided support to equitable learning opportunities, including life skills and resilience programs, in a safe, inclusive and protective environment
No data
No data


Quality - Provide quality inclusive education to refugee and host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old, aligned with Education Sector standards, and increase teaching-related professional development opportunities

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit In Need Result Progress
Number of crisis-affected host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old receiving adequate education materials, supplies and equipment aligned with Education Sector standards
No data
Number of refugee girls and boys aged 3-24 years old receiving adequate education materials, supplies and equipment aligned with Education Sector standards
No data
Percentage of refugee girls and boys aged 3-24 years old who have achieved their grade level competencies
No data
Number of learning facilitators from the host and refugee community trained in advanced/thematic education principles, including Disaster Risk Reduction
No data


Community Engagement - Ensure refugee and host community ownership, as well as active and meaningful participation and engagement in the education of crisis-affected girls and boys aged 3-24 years old

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit In Need Result Progress
Number of Learning Facility Education Committees (in the refugee camps), including caregivers, trained on learning facility management, Disaster risk reduction, and Community participatory engagement
No data
Number of caregivers in the Rohingya community (disaggregated by sex) sensitized on child/youth rights, protection and parenting
No data
3.4 Number of Disaster Risk Reduction awareness sessions conducted in the host community (non-formal / community-based schools)
No data
No data
Number of refugee girls and boys aged 3-24 years old engaged in social cohesion initiatives
No data
No data

Sector member organizations


Sector member organizations

Organization Projects Sectors Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
$342 thousand
Allama Fazlullah Foundation
$340 thousand
$3.3 million
Friends in Village Development Bangladesh
$120 thousand
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
$0.6 million
Integrated Social Development Effort Bangladesh
$100 thousand
International Rescue Committee
$452 thousand
Norwegian Refugee Council
$1.6 million
Plan International Bangladesh
$3 million
Prantic Unnayan Society
$230 thousand
Reaching People in Need
$122 thousand
Save the Children
$2.5 million
Shehora Bohumukhi Samaj Kallan Samity
$77 thousand
UN Women
$275 thousand
Unite Theatre for Social Action
$131 thousand
United Nations Children's Fund
$41.9 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$12.3 million
Voluntary Service Overseas
$0.6 million
World Vision Bangladesh
$1.1 million