Strategic Objectives4Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Objective
Strengthen the protection of Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, protect individuals and communities, and contribute to an enabling environment for the rights and well-being of Rohingya refugees, placing communities at the centre of the response. - Strategic Objective
Deliver quality, life-saving assistance to populations in need. Maintain, improve and rationalise services and assistance to ensure equal access and improved quality of life for a¬ected populations in need of humanitarian assistance. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, enhance preparedness and contingency plans for disaster responses at the Upazila level. - Strategic Objective
Foster the well-being of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilas. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, and in the spirit of supporting the development of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, facilitate equitable access to quality services for communities; promote peaceful co-existence; strengthen public service infrastructure and delivery through system and capacity strengthening; support sustainable livelihoods; and rehabilitate the environment and eco-system. In close collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and affected populations, and in the spirit of supporting the development of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, promote equitable access to quality services for communities; promote peaceful co-existence; strengthen public service infrastructure and delivery through system and capacity strengthening; support sustainable livelihoods; and rehabilitate the environment and eco-system. - Strategic Objective
Work towards achieving sustainable solutions in Myanmar. Support Rohingya refugees to build the skills and capacities that would help with their sustainable return and reintegration in Myanmar when conditions become conducive, including in improving their access to education and skills development activities; ensure Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys have access to safe, transparent, and consultative communication mechanisms regarding solutions and the situation in Myanmar.
- Strategic Objective
Sector Objectives77Sector Objectives
- Sector Objective
Protect, prevent spread and transmission of COVID 19 coronavirus among teachers, learners and school communities - Sector Objective
Access: Expand and strengthen immediate access to equitable learning opportunities, in a safe and protective environment, for crisis-affected refugee and host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old - Sector Objective
Support response leadership and coordination to ensure an effective response, with protection and solutions the as the foundation. - Sector Objective
Provide coordination and develop and share operational information to facilitate the entire humanitarian response and avoid duplication of efforts. - Sector Objective
Expand support to improve food security and compensate for loss of livelihoods of the most vulnerable Bangladeshis in Cox’s Bazar whose livelihoods will be impacted by the pandemic, through food, cash support according to need, and livelihoods initiatives in support of the health response. - Sector Objective
To reduce the spread of Covid-19 through support to the Government of Bangladesh Camp-in-Charge Officials in overall management and coordination of camps facilitating equitable and adequate access to Covid-19 related services and continuity of humanitarian assistance to all camp residents, through strengthening existing coordination mechanisms and supporting new Covid-response processes. - Sector Objective
Strengthen and maintain close coordination, advocacy and technical support across relevant government authorities and humanitarian coordination forums for mainstreaming Risk Communication and Community Engagement for reducing to the extent possible the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. - Sector Objective
Reduce to the extent possible the morbidity, mortality and spread of COVID-19 by rapid identification and isolation of all cases, including most vulnerable providing them with appropriate care, and tracing, quarantining, and supporting all contacts. - Sector Objective
Strengthen coordination: To improve coverage and complementarity of shelter interventions by taking steps to enhance coordination with other Sectors and government - Sector Objective
To reduce excess mortality and morbidity among boys and girls under 5 years old, pregnant and lactating women and other vulnerable groups through provision of life-saving interventions to treat Severe and Moderate Acute Malnutrition. - Sector Objective
Ensure regular, sufficient, equitable and dignified access for women, girls, men and boy refugees living in camps and affected host communities to safe water for drinking, domestic needs and medical purposes. - Sector Objective
Ensure that families affected by COVID-19 have are supported with specific NFIs, home delivery of those NFIs, LPG and delivery as well as implementation of emergency shelter response - Sector Objective
Coordination: Provide logistics coordination mechanisms, support and advisory services to identify needs and gaps, and facilitate a collaborative approach amongst humanitarian partners to identify and resolve logistics constraints and bottlenecks. - Sector Objective
1. Reinforce coordination, advocacy and technical support across different sectors and stakeholders for mainstreaming CwC and AAP principles enabling affected peoples to have access to life-saving information and knowledge on rights and services. - Sector Objective
Improve equitable access to and utilization of quality lifesaving and comprehensive primary and secondary health services for all crisis-affected populations with special focus on sexual, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health; mental health and psychosocial support; and non-communicable diseases. - Sector Objective
Monitor and advocate for access to territory, prevention of refoulement, respect for refugees’ rights, whilst enhancing continuous registration and documentation for all refugee women, men, girls and boys, in order to contribute to sustainable solutions. - Sector Objective
Continue to support the Government of Bangladesh Camp in Charge Officials in managing the camps and strengthen their capacity while ensuring equitable and safe of access of refugees, including women and girls to standardized and monitored assistance and protection, against agreed standards, coordinating multi-hazard emergency preparedness. - Sector Objective
Ensure and sustain timely provision of life-saving food assistance for Rohingya refugees - Sector Objective
Incentivize logistics coordination and facilitate the rollout of collaborative operational efforts towards strengthening existing local logistics systems. - Sector Objective
To ensure regular, sufficient, equitable and dignified access for all refugees living in camps and affected Host Communities to sufficient and safe water for drinking and domestic needs. - Sector Objective
Monitor and advocate for access to territory, prevention of refoulement, respect for refugees’ rights, whilst enhancing continuous registration and documentation for all refugee women, men, girls and boys, in order to contribute to sustainable solutions. - Sector Objective
Secure the continuity of the food supply chain by supporting the food production system, aligning with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL) policies and directives in order to ensure continuity of crop, fish and livestock production and marketing throughout the year. - Sector Objective
Mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on learners, teachers and communities through life-saving messaging, mental health and psychosocial support interventions. - Sector Objective
Ensure women, girls, men and boy refugees living in camps, host communities or affected by Covid-19 have adequate, appropriate and acceptable sanitation facilities to allow rapid, safe and secure access at all times. - Sector Objective
Information Management: Maintain information management and communication platforms to compile and share updates on logistics capacities (sea/airport, transport, storage) and access constraints. - Sector Objective
Quality - Provide quality inclusive education to refugee and host community girls and boys aged 3-24 years old, aligned with Education Sector standards, and increase teaching-related professional development opportunities - Sector Objective
Diversification of Shelter/ NFI response: To improve site safety, shelter quality, and household living conditions for the refugees and the host community living adjacent to Rohingya camps, as well as to reduce environmental impact of the Shelter and Non-Food Items response. - Sector Objective
To reduce the burden of malnutrition among boys, girls, pregnant and lactating women and other vulnerable groups through the strengthening and scale up of malnutrition prevention interventions. - Sector Objective
Further improve access to information – with a focus on currently underserved areas and groups – through rationalised, community-centric and evidence-based communication and community engagement approaches. - Sector Objective
Scale up Risk Communication and Community Engagement by providing context appropriate strategic guidance and making available rationalised, community-centric and evidence-based communication resources. - Sector Objective
Prevent transmission and amplification of COVID-19, by enhancing infection prevention and control in community and health care settings and effectively communicate critical risks (counter misinformation) to men, women, boys and girls. - Sector Objective
Maintain existing ETS services including the provision of security telecommunications services (repeaters) and internet connectivity in common operational areas to facilitate the response and ensure the safety and security of staff. - Sector Objective
To reduce the spread of Covid-19 through support to camp-based initiatives and community engagement including community consultation and dialogue mechanisms, camp-level committees, and volunteer networks. - Sector Objective
Promote a common understanding of context, needs, priorities, response progress and gaps, and an integrated and multi-sector approach to gender mainstreaming - Sector Objective
Ensure the prevention and timely response to communicable disease risks including diseases with outbreak potential, and prepare for other health emergencies including monsoon and cyclone - Sector Objective
Promote a community-based approach to the response, support community self-protection mechanisms and facilitate meaningful access to specialized services for persons at heightened protection risk, including girls, boys, women and men of all ages and with diverse needs and vulnerabilities, with the ultimate aim of mitigating exposure to protection risks, strengthen the resilience of affected communities, and place communities at the center of the response in line with AAP principles. - Sector Objective
Holistically upgrade and improve the settlement areas and their immediate surroundings, ensuring the centrality of community-led decision making, linked to construction and maintenance works that enable safe, dignified and resilient living conditions ensuring access is for women, girls and children. Ensuring the centrality of community led decision making. - Sector Objective
Promote portable skills development opportunities for Rohingya and enhance the livelihoods and resilience of host communities. - Sector Objective
Support decision-making by collecting and sharing timely and accurate information, produce relevant business intelligence strategies and promote transparent sectoral activities. - Sector Objective
To ensure all refugees living in camps and affected Host Communities have adequate, appropriate and acceptable toilets to allow rapid, safe and secure access at all times. - Sector Objective
Promote a community-based approach to the response, support community self-protection mechanisms and facilitate meaningful access to specialized services for persons at heightened protection risk, including girls, boys, women and men of all ages and with diverse needs and vulnerabilities, with the ultimate aim of mitigating exposure to protection risks, strengthen the resilience of affected communities, and place communities at the center of the response in line with AAP principles. - Sector Objective
Promote a community-based approach to the response, support community self-protection mechanisms and facilitate meaningful access to specialized services for persons at heightened protection risk, including girls, boys, women and men of all ages and with diverse needs and vulnerabilities, with the ultimate aim of mitigating exposure to protection risks, strengthen the resilience of affected communities, and place communities at the center of the response in line with AAP principles. - Sector Objective
Ensure continued and safe return to quality learning for teachers, learners and school communities - Sector Objective
Support government and operational sectors in ensuring adoption of appropriate community engagement approaches for sensitization, awareness rising and community participation in designing and implementing public health measures for COVID-19 integrating gender, inclusion and protection considerations. - Sector Objective
Common services: As a provider of last resort, implement timely and reliable temporary common storage, transport and camp access facilitation services, to address the Covid-19 response material supply surge. - Sector Objective
Support social cohesion through enhancement and restoration of natural resources. - Sector Objective
Community Engagement - Ensure refugee and host community ownership, as well as active and meaningful participation and engagement in the education of crisis-affected girls and boys aged 3-24 years old - Sector Objective
To strengthen the collective nutrition sector response through timely collection and analysis of nutrition data, information management and effective coordination - Sector Objective
Provide technical leadership, coordination, collaboration and information management support to all partners responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. - Sector Objective
Improve participation of and accountability to affected people through adoption of minimum standards for the referral and resolution of community feedback; and through increased use collective data analysis. - Sector Objective
Social cohesion is maintained by effective use of HLP due diligence to prevent tension with host community over land sue. - Sector Objective
To reduce the spread of Covid-19 and decrease morbidity and mortality through upgrading and improving settlement areas and their immediate surroundings through additional construction, maintenance works, and infrastructure development that enable safe access to humanitarian assistance and Covid-19 treatment (home based and in facilities) before, during, and after weather-related incidents and emergencies. - Sector Objective
Ensure the change of potentially dangerous behaviors through hygiene promotion and distribution of hygiene items with strong focus on highly contagious diseases, for all refugees, affected or vulnerable communities of the district. - Sector Objective
Support the District health response in coordination with the Health Sector – provide support to existing and planned isolation, treatment, and quarantine facilities in Cox’s Bazar District and support cross-sectoral home care packages for vulnerable groups (i.e elderly or patient and family of home care patients). - Sector Objective
Encourage healthy living, improve health seeking behaviour and utilisation of essential service package among refugees and host populations through community engagement, with special attention to gender and age considerations and vulnerable groups - Sector Objective
Support system strengthening, by supporting Government and local partners, promoting peaceful coexistence within and between refugee and host communities - Sector Objective
Strengthen camp level coordination, by facilitating joint initiatives and establishing community consultation and dialogue mechanisms. - Sector Objective
Conduct capacity building exercises to strengthen emergency preparedness and response skills of inter-agency responders on the ground and to ensure the sustainability of services once the ETS has left. - Sector Objective
Augment logistics capacity by the design of temporary common logistics services and enhance supply chain resilience to allow continuous and unimpeded flow of humanitarian supplies. - Sector Objective
To ensure the change of potentially dangerous behaviours through access and exposure to innovative hygiene promotion (including hygiene items) for all refugees living in camps and affected host communities. - Sector Objective
Lead advocacy and resource mobilization efforts for the response. - Sector Objective
Support system strengthening, by supporting Government and local partners, promoting peaceful coexistence within and between refugee and host communities - Sector Objective
Support system strengthening, by supporting Government and local partners, promoting peaceful coexistence within and between refugee and host communities - Sector Objective
Focused engagement: To encourage self-reliance, and peaceful coexistence by increasing the Rohingya refugee’s involvement in decisions concerning Shelter and Non-Food Items assistance and providing support to the host community living adjacent to Rohingya camps. - Sector Objective
Ensure continuity of equitable access to and utilization of quality lifesaving and comprehensive primary and secondary health services for all crisis-affected populations with a special focus on sexual, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health; mental health and psychosocial support; and non-communicable diseases while adapting services to the current context. - Sector Objective
Boys and girls including adolescents facing life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, and severe distress have access to well-coordinated and gender-sensitive quality child protection services by 2022 - Sector Objective
Improve ability of education partners to respond to education needs in emergencies - Sector Objective
Strengthen health sector coordination, information management and monitoring towards achieving rational, standardized and accountable health service delivery - Sector Objective
Boys and girls including adolescents facing life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, and severe distress have access to well-coordinated and gender-sensitive quality child protection services by 2022 - Sector Objective
Boys and girls including adolescents facing life-threatening risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, and severe distress have access to well-coordinated and gender-sensitive quality child protection services by 2022 - Sector Objective
Improve access to quality survivor-centered services by responding to individual needs, preventing and mitigating of GBV risks, and empowering women, girls and survivors of GBV - Sector Objective
Improve access to quality survivor-centered services by responding to individual needs, preventing and mitigating of GBV risks, and empowering women, girls and survivors of GBV - Sector Objective
Improve access to quality survivor-centered services by responding to individual needs, preventing and mitigating of GBV risks, and empowering women, girls and survivors of GBV - Sector Objective
Promote an integrated and multi-sectoral Protection, Age, Gender and Diversity approach - Sector Objective
Promote an integrated and multi-sectoral Protection, Age, Gender and Diversity approach - Sector Objective
Promote an integrated and multi-sectoral Protection, Age, Gender and Diversity approach - Sector Objective
Monitor and advocate for access to territory, prevention of refoulement, respect for refugees’ rights, whilst enhancing continuous registration and documentation for all refugee women, men, girls and boys, in order to contribute to sustainable solutions.
- Sector Objective
Response plan
Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Joint Response Plan 2020
Strategic Objectives
Strengthen the protection of Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, protect individuals and communities, and contribute to an enabling environment for the rights and well-being of Rohingya refugees, placing communities at the centre of the response.
Deliver quality, life-saving assistance to populations in need. Maintain, improve and rationalise services and assistance to ensure equal access and improved quality of life for a¬ected populations in need of humanitarian assistance. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, enhance preparedness and contingency plans for disaster responses at the Upazila level.
Foster the well-being of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilas. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and a¬ected populations, and in the spirit of supporting the development of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, facilitate equitable access to quality services for communities; promote peaceful co-existence; strengthen public service infrastructure and delivery through system and capacity strengthening; support sustainable livelihoods; and rehabilitate the environment and eco-system. In close collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and affected populations, and in the spirit of supporting the development of communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, promote equitable access to quality services for communities; promote peaceful co-existence; strengthen public service infrastructure and delivery through system and capacity strengthening; support sustainable livelihoods; and rehabilitate the environment and eco-system.
Work towards achieving sustainable solutions in Myanmar. Support Rohingya refugees to build the skills and capacities that would help with their sustainable return and reintegration in Myanmar when conditions become conducive, including in improving their access to education and skills development activities; ensure Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys have access to safe, transparent, and consultative communication mechanisms regarding solutions and the situation in Myanmar.