Venezuela (RMRP)

Food Security

  • Requirements ($)
    $86.1 million
  • Funding ($)
    $63.4 million
  • % Funded

Sector member organizations


Sector member organizations

Organization Projects Sectors Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Federation
$430 thousand
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
$15.5 million
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
$4.9 million
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
$3.3 million
Argentine Red Cross
$470 thousand
Asociación Profamilia
$3.1 million
Associação Beneficente e Cultural Amigos do Noivo
$17 thousand
Associação Educacional e Beneficente Vale da Bênção
$26 thousand
Blumont International
$2.1 million
Cáritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo
$95 thousand
Caritas Germany (DCV)
$289 thousand
Caritas Peru
$0.6 million
Caritas Switzerland
$3.8 million
Centro de Atendimento ao Migrante
$50 thousand
Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos de Guarulhos
$27 thousand
Centro de Migrações e Direitos Humanos da Diocese de Roraima
$74 thousand
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
$223 thousand
Ecuadorian Red Cross
$0.9 million
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
$6.6 million
Fundación Ayuda en Acción Ecuador
$182 thousand
Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas
$248 thousand
Fundación Manos Abiertas
$22 thousand
International Organization for Migration
$235.8 million
Jesuit Refugee Service/LAC
$3.1 million
$74 thousand
Manos Veneguayas
$0.6 million
Organización Fuerza Internacional de Capellanía DDHH y DIH OFICA ICC
$3.9 million
$1 million
Pan American Development Foundation
$7 million
PARES Cáritas Rio de Janeiro
$157 thousand
Première Urgence Internationale
$1.5 million
Red con Migrantes y Refugiados del Paraguay
$131 thousand
Red Cross Society of Panama
$213 thousand
RET International
$1.8 million
Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (Latinoamérica y el Caribe)
$0.6 million
Solidarités International
$1.5 million
SOS Children's Villages - Colombia
$2.3 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$6 million
World Food Programme
$194.2 million
World Vision International
$0.6 million
Zionist Organization of America
$3.6 million