Humanitarian Action provides a comprehensive overview of the humanitarian landscape by providing both an annual snapshot complemented by analysis, and live data on on humanitarian crises and response.
The GHO is an annual assessment of global humanitarian needs and how to respond to them, as identified through the humanitarian programme cycle (HPC). This document – produced by OCHA on behalf of the humanitarian community – provides an analysis of the drivers of needs and an overview of the resources required to support people targeted for assistance. Furthermore, it provides an account of the humanitarian system’s collective achievements.
Humanitarian Action also serves as the publication platform for planning, monitoring and financial tracking data managed in and the Financial Tracking Service (FTS). It allows users to benefit from dynamic data that is updated throughout the year, as country teams update their needs analysis and response plans.
Acting as a single source of data and analysis, Humanitarian Action supports the best possible decision-making by avoiding data fragmentation and overlaps in figures. The platform provides a comprehensive picture of the humanitarian landscape by linking quantitative and qualitative trend analysis with country operations. It increases efficiencies by using the same technology previously employed by the two individual websites and combining the full functions of Humanitarian Insight and the GHO into one tool.
The Humanitarian Action platform constantly improves and develops through users’ feedback, aiming to expand the breadth and depth of information featured on the site.