Inter-Agency Coordinated Appeals: August Update

People in Need
People Targeted
Requirements (US$)
Inter-Agency Appeals Funding (US$)
Appeals Coverage
Total Humanitarian Funding (US$)

The 2024 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) requires $49 billion to assist 186.6 million of the people in need across 73 countries through 43 coordinated response plans.

More than $2.2 billion was reported during the month of August, bringing reported GHO funding to $14.5 billion. This is $1.36 billion or eight per cent less compared to the same time last year. Coverage of appeal requirements has reached 30 per cent, although 22 response plans are below the average. Meanwhile, the gap between the financial requirements and funding currently stands at more than $34.5 billion.

Total reported humanitarian funding has reached $19.4 billion, which is a decrease of around nine per cent compared to what was recorded last year at the same time ($21.4 billion).

Timely reporting of humanitarian contributions from donors and recipients is crucial to provide reliable and complete data for trend analysis. All partners are encouraged to report funding to the Financial Tracking Service (

Humanitarian Response Plans (2024): Funding Status as of August

Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) planning and preparedness for winterization

As winter preparedness activities start in October, the situation of the population in Gaza is growing increasingly precarious, primarily because of the ongoing hostilities and resulting infrastructure damage. Winter is also the rainy season in Gaza, with most of the annual rainfall occurring during these months, which leads to flooding in some areas. Already dire living conditions will deteriorate further, putting hundreds of thousands at heightened risk of displacement, asset loss, health hazards, and limited access to essential services. Humanitarian partners have identified activities in the current Flash Appeal that are of the utmost priority between October and December. Interventions address the critical needs of over 2.1 million people in the Gaza Strip during the winter months and potential flood events, including more than 850,000 people who are living in flood-prone areas. Key interventions include, among others, the provision of winterization supplies, including warm clothing, blankets tarpaulins and heating materials; facilitating access to emergency fuel for heaters; and support to operate critical health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities and rapid WASH response to outbreak-prone communicable diseases. For more information, please contact: