Protection Caseload Breakdown
Cluster Objectives
Ensure vulnerable IDPs, non-displaced people, and returnees are provided with principled and gender- and age-responsive protection assistance to address risks to their physical safety and well-being.
Enable equitable access to basic services and legal and human rights for IDPs, non-displaced people and returnees through the implementation of protection interventions aimed at strengthening the national protection systems and the capacity of service providers and communities themselves.
Internally-displaced, non-displaced, and returnee girls and boys who face risks of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, and severe distress along with their caregivers have timely access to well-coordinated, quality, and disability, age- and gender-responsive child protection services.
The capacity of service providers and communities is strengthened to identify child protection risks and needs at the community level, mitigate child protection risks, and provide and maintain quality, accessible child protection services for IDPs, returnees, and non-displaced people.
Vulnerable IDPs, non-displaced people, and returnees, particularly vulnerable women and girls, but also men and boys have improved access to safe, confidential, timely, and quality coordinated GBV services through inter-sectoral referrals at local levels.
Vulnerable IDPs, non-displaced people and returnees are supported with gender-based violence interventions, including dissemination of life-saving information, GBV prevention and risk mitigation, advocacy, coordination and capacitation of specialized services to enable essential, non-discriminatory and quality assistance.
Raise public awareness of the dangers of Explosive Ordnance (EO).
Address the different needs of victims of explosive ordnance.
Mitigate the hazard from explosive ordnance (EO) through survey and clearance activities to a level where people can live safely and in which economic, social, and health development can occur free from the constraints imposed by landmines and ERW contamination.