Population Financials People in need 181.3 thousand People targeted 138.3 thousand People reached No data People reached % 0% Requirements ($) $11.2 million Funding ($) $8.2 million % Funded 72.9% Sector Objectives 1Children and women with acute malnutrition access appropriate management services. menu Contributes to check_circleStrategic Objective 1check_circleStrategic Objective 2 Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress Cure rate among SAM and MAM children 6-59 months Percentage 75% view_list No data Defaulter rate among SAM and MAM children 6-59 months Percentage 15% view_list No data Number of children aged 6‐59 months with moderate acute malnutrition admitted to supplementary feeding program in Rakhine Children 29,100 view_list No data Death rate among SAM and MAM children 6-59 months Percentage 10% view_list No data Number of children aged 6-59 months with severe acute malnutrition admitted to therapeutic care in Rakhine Children 5,391 view_list No data 2Nutritionally vulnerable children and women access preventive nutrition-specific services menu Contributes to check_circleStrategic Objective 2check_circleStrategic Objective 3 Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress Number of pregnant and lactating women who receive messages on infant and young child feeding 39,179 view_list No data Nutrition https://humanitarianaction.info/plan/678/ge/4446 Population data by location for the cluster 05-Dec-2024 Population data by location for the cluster People in need People targeted Downloads