Food Security

  • People in need
    13.2 million
  • People targeted
    4.1 million
  • People Reached
    3.5 million
  • Requirements ($)
    $286 million
  • Current funding ($)
    $156.7 million
  • Coverage

Cluster Objectives


Over 556,000 crisis-affected people have equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food in-kind and/or through cash assistance

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 4


Over 2,944,000 vulnerable people with humanitarian needs have equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food in-kind and/or through cash assistance

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 4


Restore, protect and improve livelihoods and resilience of over 850,000 (442,000 women & 408,000 men) crisis-affected people by rehabilitating agricultural production, protecting productive assets, and rebuilding or creating income-generating activities to prevent negative (and potentially irreversible) coping mechanisms

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 4

Indicators overview


Indicators overview

Indicator Unit Target
CO1: Over 556,000 crisis-affected people have equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food in-kind and/or through cash assistance
IN1: # of crisis-affected people that have equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food in-kind and/or through cash assistance
CO2: Over 2,944,000 vulnerable people with humanitarian needs have equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food in-kind and/or through cash assistance
IN1: % of the target population with acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS) at end of implementation
No data
IN2: % of the target population relying on crisis and emergency coping strategies
No data
CO3: Restore, protect and improve livelihoods and resilience of over 850,000 (442,000 women & 408,000 men) crisis-affected people by rehabilitating agricultural production, protecting productive assets, and rebuilding or creating income-generating activities to prevent negative (and potentially irreversible) coping mechanisms
IN1: % of the target population with acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS) at end of implementation
No data
IN2: % of the target population relying on crisis and emergency coping strategies
No data
CA1: Food distribution (in kind, cash or voucher) for IDPs
IN1: % of the target population with acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS) at end of implementation
No data
IN2: % of the target population relying on crisis and emergency coping strategies
No data
CA2: Food distribution (in kind, cash or voucher) for non- IDPs
IN1: % of the target population with acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS) at end of implementation
No data
IN2: % of the target population relying on crisis and emergency coping strategies
No data