  • People in need
    5.5 million
  • People targeted
    2.1 million
  • People Reached
    1.1 million
  • Requirements ($)
    $135.2 million
  • Current funding ($)
    $19.5 million
  • Coverage

Cluster Objectives


Operate and sustain quality and standards of water and sanitation services and good hygiene practices to crisis affected population

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1


Vulnerable populations have access to sustainable, durable and cost-effective WASH services including community-focused hygiene promotion practices with focus on semi-urban and communities

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2

Indicators overview


Indicators overview

Indicator Unit Target
CO1: Operate and sustain quality and standards of water and sanitation services and good hygiene practices to crisis affected population
IN1: IDPs/ Lifesaving activities including water trucking/boating, installation of latrines and distribution of WASH NFIs. Number of crisis-affected people reached with lifesaving WASH activities
0.5 million
CO2: Vulnerable populations have access to sustainable, durable and cost-effective WASH services including community-focused hygiene promotion practices with focus on semi-urban and communities
IN1: # of other vulnerable crisis-affected (IDP returnees/resettled/ locally integrated, non-displaced stateless, and other vulnerable crisis-affected) people reached with WASH services through minor rehabilitation of water and sanitation system and hygiene promotion activities
1.5 million
CA1: Crisis-affected people have equitable, inclusive and safe access to safe/improved drinking water meeting demand for domestic purposes, at minimum/agreed standards
IN1: # of women, men, boys and girls benefitting from safe/ improved drinking water, meeting demand for domestic purposes, at minimum/agreed standards.
0.5 million
CA2: Crisis-affected people have equitable, inclusive and safe access to functional excreta disposal systems.
IN1: # of women, men, boys and girls benefitting from functional excreta disposal systems, reducing safety/public health/environmental risks.
0.5 million
CA3: Crisis-affected people have equitable, inclusive and safe access to hygiene items and community-tailored messages, enabling health seeking behavior
IN1: # of women, men, boys and girls benefitting from timely / adequate/ tailored personal hygiene items and receiving appropriate/ community tailored messages that enable health seeking behavior.
0.5 million
CA4: Crisis-affected people have access to integrated/mainstreamed WASH services, on the basis of risk-sensitive programming and consultation with communities
IN1: # of vulnerable people that are consulted, and their concerns are addressed, through dignified and inclusive WASH services
71.2 thousand
CA5: Crisis-affected people in temporary learning spaces have access to integrated/mainstreamed WASH services.
IN1: # of children accessing appropriate WASH facilities and hygiene services in learning facilities and safe spaces
27.4 thousand
CA6: Crisis-affected people have equitable, inclusive and safe access to hygiene items and community-tailored messages, enabling health seeking behavior
IN1: # of women, men, girls and boys accessing WASH services in temporary health facilities which received support from the WASH Cluster.
16.4 thousand
CA7: Vulnerable people have access to sustainable safe/ improved water drinking water, meeting demand for domestic purposes through light rehabilitation of water system at community level.
IN1: # of women, men, girls and boys accessing sustainable safe/ improved water drinking water, meeting demand for domestic purposes through light rehabilitation of water system at community level
0.6 million
CA8: Vulnerable people have access to sustainable functional excreta disposal systems, reducing safety/public health/environmental risks through light rehabilitation of Sanitation system at community level
IN1: # of women, men, girls and boys accessing sustainable functional excreta disposal systems, reducing safety/public health/ environmental risks through light rehabilitation of Sanitation system at community level
153.9 thousand
CA9: Vulnerable people reached with critical WASH supplies (including hygiene items) and services
IN1: # of women, men, girls and boys reached with critical WASH supplies (including hygiene items) and services
0.8 million
CA10: Vulnerable people have access to integrated/mainstreamed WASH services, on the basis of risk-sensitive programming and consultation with communities
IN1: # of vulnerable people that are consulted, and their concerns are addressed, through dignified and inclusive WASH services.
76.9 thousand