Syrian Arab Republic

Early Recovery and Livelihoods

  • People in need
    15.4 million
  • People targeted
    4 million
  • People reached
    178.3 thousand
  • People reached %
  • Requirements ($)
    $173.4 million
  • Funding ($)
    $42.8 million
  • Coverage

Cluster Objectives


Support the Maintenance & improve equitable access to basic services

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Result Progress
No data found for this table.


Increase access to Livelihood and job opportunities

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Result Progress
No data found for this table.


Strengthen social cohesion by empowering communities to lead early recovery processes together

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Result Progress
No data found for this table.


Coordination to support early recovery and livelihood response

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Result Progress
No data found for this table.
Go to cluster framework

Early Recovery and Livelihoods

Cluster member organizations


Cluster member organizations

Organization Projects Clusters Requirements ($)
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
$133 thousand
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
$163 thousand
ACT Alliance / Finn Church Aid
$0.8 million
Action for Humanity - UK
$2 million
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
$0.5 million
Aga Khan Foundation
$2.5 million
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
$3.1 million
Al Nada Charity
$248 thousand
Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation
$2.1 million
Al Tamayouz for Orphan Sponsorship / Social Care Association
$3 million
Al-Ataa Charity Association
$438 thousand
Al-Birr and Social Services Association in Idleb
$320 thousand
Albatoul Association for Humanitarian Services
$0.5 million
Albirr and Social Care - Afia Fund in Hama
$0.9 million
Amal Organization for Relief and Development
$1.1 million
Arche Nova E.V. - Initiative for People in Need
$0.9 million
Ataa Humanitarian Relief Association
$1.3 million
Bahar Organization
$2.5 million
Basma for Relief and Development
$417 thousand
Basma Furatia
$284 thousand
Beyaz Eller Association (White Hands Association)
$1.9 million
BINAA Organization for Development
$2.1 million
Bonyan (Bina Insan)
$1.2 million
CARE International
$8.8 million
Child Protection Society
$353 thousand
Concern Worldwide
$300 thousand
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
$1 million
Danish Refugee Council
$1.7 million
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
$14.1 million
Door Beyond War
$0.5 million
Dorcas Aid International
$276 thousand
Elaf for Relief and Development
$0.6 million
Equity and Empowerment
$247 thousand
Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief
$200 thousand
Ghiras Alnahda Organization
$0.5 million
Global Communities
$0.7 million
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All of the East
$1.7 million
Hand in Hand for Aid and Development - UK
$0.7 million
HEKS - Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz
$0.7 million
Hope Revival Organisation
$500 thousand
Human Appeal UK
$1.2 million
Ihsan for Relief and Development
$184 thousand
IMDAT Relief & Development
$0.6 million
Innovative and Powerful Vision
$364 thousand
International Association for Relief and Development
$1.5 million
International Humanitarian Relief
$279 thousand
International Labour Organization
$5.8 million
International NGOs (Confidential)
$22.6 million
International Organization for Migration
$5 million
International Rescue Committee
$5.5 million
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
$1.4 million
Maharda Charitable Organization
$404 thousand
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
$3.5 million
Maram Foundation for Relief and Development
$0.7 million
Masrrat Foundation
$0.6 million
Mehad (formerly UOSSM France)
$1.3 million
Mercy Corps
$5.3 million
Mercy Without Limits
$0.8 million
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
$1 million
Muzun for Humanitarian and Development
$0.5 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$12.7 million
ONG Rescate International
$0.8 million
Oxfam GB
$2.1 million
People in Need
$12.1 million
POINT Organization
$0.8 million
Première Urgence Internationale
$1.3 million
Qatar Charity
$7.2 million
Rahma Worldwide
$1.1 million
Sadad Humanitarian Organization
$0.8 million
Sahaya Hazir İnovasyon Derneği
$1 million
Salam Organization
$1 million
Samaritan's Purse
$0.8 million
Sanad for People with Special Needs Organization
$150 thousand
Sanad Youth for Development Foundation
$0.6 million
Secours Islamique France
$455 thousand
Seeds of Hope (Bozzor Alamal)
$0.8 million
Shafak Organization
$2.1 million
Silk Road Organization
$1.8 million
Social Development International - SDI
$0.6 million
Solidarités International
$4 million
Space of Peace
$480 thousand
St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee
$2.7 million
Syria Relief
$1.2 million
Syria Relief and Development Organization (Sosyal Refah Derneğı)
$451 thousand
Syria Trust for Development
$2.7 million
Syrian Association for Relief and Development
$2.7 million
Syrian Civil Administration Development Center
$167 thousand
Syrian Society for Social Development
$0.8 million
Syrian Youth Council Institute (SYC)
$0.5 million
Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization
$2.5 million
Takatof Youth Association in Deir Ezzor City
$2.4 million
The White Helmets
$6.2 million
Uluslararasi Insani Yardimlasma Dernegi
$3.4 million
Un Ponte Per
$249 thousand
United Nations Children's Fund
$34.1 million
United Nations Development Programme
$45.2 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$20.4 million
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
$1.4 million
United Nations Office for Project Services
$2 million
United Nations Population Fund
$0.8 million
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
$9.4 million
Violet Organization
$1.7 million
WATAN Foundation
$1 million
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus
$1.2 million
Woman Support Association
$0.7 million
World Vision International
$2 million
World Vision Syria Response
$1.5 million
$2.8 million