South Sudan


  • People in need
    2.5 million
  • People targeted
    1.8 million
  • People reached
    238.4 thousand
  • People reached %
  • Requirements ($)
    $209.9 million
  • Funding ($)
    $74.1 million
  • Coverage

Cluster Objectives


To increase equitable access and utilization of quality nutrition services to prevent malnutrition and build resilience among children, adolescents and women in prioritized locations by the end of 2024

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.4
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.2
Indicator Target Measure Reached Reached % Progress
#Children 6-23 months benefiting from BSFP
No data
No data
No data
#Children 12-59 months provided with deworming tablets
No data
No data
No data
#Lactating women, breastfeeding women, and caretakers of children 0-23 months counselled on MIYCN
No data
No data
No data
#PLW benefitting from BSFP
No data
No data
No data
#Children 6-59 months provided with Vitamin A supplementation
No data
No data
No data


To increase equitable access and utilization of quality lifesaving nutrition services for early detection and treatment of wasting for girls and boys under five years of age and PLW in prioritized locations by the end of 2024

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.4
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.2
Indicator Target Measure Reached Reached % Progress
#Children under 5 years treated with Severe Acute Malnutrition
No data
No data
No data
#Pregnant and Lactating Women treated with acute malnutrition
No data
No data
No data
#Children under 5 years treated with Moderate Acute Malnutrition
No data
No data
No data


To enhance nutrition situation and program monitoring, analysis and utilization of nutrition information by the end of 2024

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.4
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.2
Indicator Target Measure Reached Reached % Progress
Number of nutrition surveys conducted that include key nutrition indicators
No data
No data
No data
Number of dashboards with routine admission data timely disseminated at state level
No data
No data
No data
Number of SMART surveys conducted in prioritized areas reported to the cluster and stakeholders.
No data
No data
No data
Number of MYICN Barrier Analysis conducted
No data
No data
No data


To strengthen coordination & integrated programming with health, WASH, FSL, Education and Protection sectors for equitable access to services that address key drivers of malnutrition among vulnerable groups in prioritized locations by the end of 2024.

Contributes to
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 1.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.2
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.3
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 2.4
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.1
  • check_circleSpecific Objective 3.2
Indicator Target Measure Reached Reached % Progress
Proportion of girls and boys admitted with acute malnutrition in nutrition sites who are provided with LLITN for malaria prevention
No data
No data
No data
No data
Proportion of PLW admitted with acute malnutrition in nutrition sites who are provided with LLITN for malaria prevention.
No data
No data
No data
No data
Percentage of people in priority counties with access to safe water.
No data
No data
No data
No data
Proportion of girls and boys admitted with MAM who are tested positive for malaria.
No data
No data
No data
No data
Number of children with diarrhea treated with Zinc and ORS
No data
No data
No data
No data
# of frontline nutrition staff trained on GBV basics, including how to safely and appropriately respond to GBV disclosures
No data
No data
No data
Number of nutrition sites with Gender Based Violence (GBV) safety audits conducted at least once
No data
No data
No data
% of nutrition sites with kitchen gardens for demonstration
No data
No data
No data
No data
Proportion of girls and boys admitted with SAM who are tested positive for malaria
No data
No data
No data
No data
Number of nutrition sites integrating ECD
No data
No data
No data
% of priority counties with access to WASH services/ facilities.
No data
No data
No data
No data
# of nutrition sites where information on GBV services/referral pathways is available
No data
No data
No data
% of HHs with kitchen gardens
No data
No data
No data
No data
Number of children admitted to CVA program after discharge from nutrition site
No data
No data
No data
No data
Number of girls and boys admitted with severe acute malnutrition receiving WASH kits.
No data
No data
No data
No data
Number of nutrition sites with screening or referral mechanism for diarrhea treatment
No data
No data
No data
Go to cluster framework

Population data by location for the cluster


Population data by location for the cluster

Cluster member organizations


Cluster member organizations

Organization Projects Clusters Requirements ($)
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
$2.8 million
Action for Development
$1.3 million
Africa Development Aid
$0.8 million
American Refugee Committee
$2 million
Amref Health Africa
$376 thousand
Andre Foods South Sudan
$2 million
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
$1 million
CARE International
$2.5 million
Catholic Medical Missons Board
$0.8 million
Catholic Relief Services
$299 thousand
Christian Mission Aid
$1.3 million
Christian Mission for Development
$0.6 million
Coalition for Humanity South Sudan
$1.5 million
Concern Worldwide
$1.8 million
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
$1 million
For Afrika to Thrive
$0.7 million
$1.1 million
Health Link South Sudan
$2 million
Healthcare Foundation Organization
$300 thousand
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
$0.9 million
Hold the Child Organisation
$1.2 million
International Medical Corps UK
$3.5 million
International Rescue Committee
$2 million
Islamic Relief Worldwide
$350 thousand
$3.2 million
Nile Hope
$1.1 million
Plan International
$1.1 million
Reach Africa Organization
$300 thousand
Relief International
$1.8 million
Samaritan's Purse
$0.8 million
Save the Children
$3 million
$0.6 million
Touch Africa Development Organization
$1 million
United Nations Children's Fund
$55.5 million
Universal Intervention and Development Organization
$1.5 million
Universal Network for Knowledge and Empowerment Agency
$0.8 million
Volunteer Organization for the International Co-operation la Nostra Famiglia
$250 thousand
World Food Programme
$104.6 million
World Health Organization
$2.1 million
World Relief
$1.2 million
World Vision International
$1.3 million