South Sudan

Presence of humanitarian actors

  • Clusters
  • Organizations
  • Projects

Operations by organization


Operations by organization

Organization Clusters Projects
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Action for Conflict Resolution
Action for Development
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Africa Development Aid
Africa Stand for Children Development Organization
African Humanitarian Corps
African Leadership Skills Initiative
African Relief and Development Foundation
Agency for Child Relief Aid
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Agricultural Resettlement for South Sudan
AID LINK Organization
Aid Support Community Organization
Alaska Health Project South Sudan
Alliance For Action Aid
Alliance for Community Development
Alternative Poverty Eradication Bureau for Africa
American Refugee Committee
Amref Health Africa
Andre Foods South Sudan
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Care for Children and Old Age in South Sudan
CARE International
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
Catholic Medical Missons Board
Catholic Relief Services
Center for Community Services South Sudan
Centre for Emergency and Development Support
Charity and Empowerment Foundation
Charity for Relief and Development Agency
Children Aid South Sudan
Christian Mission Aid
Christian Mission for Development
Coalition for Humanity South Sudan
Community Action Organization
Community Aid for Fisheries and Agriculture Development
Community Development Aid
Community Emergency Response for Development
Community in Need Aid
Community Initiative for Development Organization
Community Organization for Development and Empowerment
Community Resilience and Emergency Support Aid
Community Support Initiative
Concern Worldwide
Cordaid International
Danish Refugee Council
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Dialogue and Research Institute
Doctors Actively Serving in Africa
Education Foundation Organization
Emergency Response and Development Initiative
Episcopal Development Aid
Farmer's Life Development Agency
Fondazione “Opera San Francesco Saverio” CUAMM
Food Agriculture and Disaster Management
Food and Agriculture Agency
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
For Afrika to Thrive
Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa
Girl Child Africa Foundation
Global Actions for Humanity
Grassroot Empowerment and Development Organization
Grassroots Relief and Development Agency
Greater Upper Nile Organization
Green Belt Initiative
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Health Action Africa (South Sudan)
Health Link South Sudan
Healthcare Foundation Organization
HealthNet TPO
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Help a Child International (Red een Kind)
Hold the Child Organisation
Hope Restoration South Sudan
Humane Aid for Community Organization
Humanitarian Aid for Development
Humanitarian and Development Consortium
Impact Health Organization
Institute for Promotion of Civil Society
Integrated Humanitarian Aid
Intercede for Development Initiatives
International Medical Corps UK
International Organization for Migration
International Rescue Committee
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Justice for Children Organization (South Sudan)
Light for the World
LiveWell South Sudan
Malaria Consortium
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Medicair - South Sudan
Médicos del Mundo Spain
Mercy Corps
Mines Advisory Group
Mission Trust Aid
Mobile Humanitarian Agency
Mobile Theatre Team
Narrative Hub
National Empowerment of Positive Women United
National Relief and Development Corps
Nile Hope
Nile Sustainable Development Organization
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Norwegian People's Aid
Norwegian Refugee Council
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Operation Save Innocent Lives - Partners in Relief and Development
Organization for Peoples' Empowerment and Needs
Oxfam GB
Peace and Development Partners
Peace Corps South Sudan
Peace in Action and Social Service
Peace Winds Japan
Pilgrims of Hope
Plan International
Polish Humanitarian Action
Reach Africa Organization
REACH Initiative
Relief Corps Organization
Relief International
Rights For All Organization
Royal Aid for Development
Rural Action Against Hunger
Rural Development Action Aid
Rural Water and Sanitation Support Agency
Rural Women for Development South Sudan
Safer Community Organization - South Sudan
Salvation and Light Development Action
Samaritan's Purse
Save a Life International
Save Lives Initiative South Sudan
Save the Children
Smile Again Africa Development Organization
Solidarités International
South Sudan Agency for Internal Development
South Sudan Health Association
Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization
Stop Poverty Communal Initiative
Sudan Evangelical Mission
Sudan Medical Care
Support for Peace and Education Development Program
Support the Empowerment of Women and their Rights for Development
The Heritage Foundation
The Mentor Initiative
The Organisation for Children's Harmony
The Rescue Initiative South Sudan
The Rescue Mission
Titi Foundation
Touch Africa Development Organization
Trust Guarantee Community Development Aid
Union des Groupes d'Etudes et d'Actions pour le Développement de Fizi-Itombwe
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Population Fund
United Networks for Health
Universal Intervention and Development Organization
Universal Network for Child Defence Rights
Universal Network for Knowledge and Empowerment Agency
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières - Suisse
Volunteer Organization for the International Co-operation la Nostra Famiglia
War Child Holland
Women Advancement Organization
Women Agency for Resilience and Transformation
Women Aid Vision
Women for Justice and Equality
World Food Programme
World Health Organization
World Relief
World Vision International
Yo' Care South Sudan
Youth Empowerment and Development Aid
ZOA Dorcas South Sudan