Syrian Arab Republic


  • People in need
    10.3 million
  • People targeted
    5.6 million
  • People Cumulative Reached
    8.8 million
  • Requirements ($)
    $403.7 million
  • Coverage
  • Unmet ($)
    $274.8 million

Sector Objectives


Improve protection of population affected by the crisis through community-based and individually targeted protection interventions and through advocacy with duty bearers

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3


Strengthen technical capacity of humanitarian actors and duty bearers at national and community level to assess, analyse, prevent and address protection risks and needs

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2


Improve access to quality and life-saving GBV response services for GBV survivors and women and girls at risk and put measures in place to prevent and mitigate risks of GBV

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3


Minimize the impact of explosive ordnance for communities most at risk

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3


Increased and more equitable access for boys and girls to quality child protection interventions in targeted locations in line with the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3

Indicator overview


Indicator overview

Indicator Unit Target
CA1: General Protection: Provide quality and integrated protection services, with a focus on community-based approaches, including awareness-raising, psychosocial assistance, targeted support to persons with specific protection needs and other community initiatives, through community centers and outreach mechanisms
IN1: # of people reached through awareness-raising sessions (cumulative interventions) other than legal awareness
No data
IN2: # of people reached with individual assistance for specific protection needs (including PSS, referrals, and material assistance in kind or in cash/vouchers) through community-based protection services (cumulative interventions).
No data
IN3: # of community-based initiatives and community-based protection structures supported
No data
IN4: # of people reached through group-based activities to support psychosocial well-being (eg recreational activities) and group-based socio-economic support through community centres (cumulative interventions)
CA2: General Protection: Provide legal advice/counselling and legal representation on civil status documentation /registration as well as on housing, land and property (HLP) issues in accordance with national legislation
IN1: # of people reached with legal awareness raising sessions (cumulative interventions)
No data
IN2: # of people reached with legal counselling or assistance including civil documentation and HLP issues
No data
CA3: General Protection: Advocacy with duty bearers and key stakeholders to inform and enhance the response to protection risks
IN1: # of advocacy interventions
No data
CA4: General Protection: Build technical capacity targeting humanitarian actors and national/local authorities to improve quality provision of protection services
IN1: # of persons, including humanitarian workers and local/national authorities, who receive training (cumulative interventions)
No data
CA5: General Protection: Conduct protection monitoring and identify protection needs/risks
IN1: # of communities reached with protection monitoring
No data
IN2: # of communities where needs assessment has been conducted by sector members
CA6: GBV: Provide quality and life-saving GBV response services, including case management and psychosocial support, enhance vulnerable groups' access to these services (with a focus on women and girls with disabilities and adolescent girls) and reinforce referral pathways
IN1: # of communities and/or neighbourhoods with at least one type of GBV response service offered to GBV survivors and women and girls at risk
No data
IN2: Number of GBV response services provided to GBV survivors and women and girls at risk
No data
IN3: Number of male and female GBV actors trained on GBV (women/men)
No data
CA7: GBV: Enhance strategies to empower women and girls, with a particular focus on most at risk groups (for ex. adolescent girls, divorced and widowed women and girls, women and girls with disabilities and older women) to prevent GBV and to change negative attitudes and believes that foster harmful social norms.
IN1: Number of women, men, girls and boys reached by GBV prevention and empowerment activities
No data
IN2: Number of COVID-19 awareness raising interventions (including on associated GBV risks and GBV key messages)
No data
CA8: GBV: Promote GBV risk mitigation into all aspects of the humanitarian response
IN1: Number of non-GBV humanitarian workers trained or sensitized on GBV risk mitigation
No data
CA9: Mine Action: Raising awareness and conduct explosive ordnance risk education in at-risk communities
IN1: # of men, women, boys and girls who receive risk education from humanitarian risk-education actors
No data
IN2: # of men, women, boys and girls who receive risk education from public service providers
No data
IN3: # of people trained to conduct risk education
No data
CA10: Mine Action: Conduct surveys, marking of hazardous areas and explosive ordnance clearance
IN1: # of communities where contamination survey has been conducted
No data
IN2: # explosive ordnance located and safely disposed of
Explosive hazards
No data
IN3: Square meters of land cleared or surveyed
No data
CA11: Mine Action: Provide victim assistance services.
IN1: # number of men, women, boys and girls reached by victim assistance services
No data
IN2: # of victim assistance services provided
No data
CA12: Child Protection: Provide community-based child protection for girls and boys in targeted locations
IN1: # of girls and boys engaging in structured, sustained child protection programmes, including psychosocial support
No data
IN2: # of women and men engaging in parenting programmes
No data
IN3: # of individuals benefiting from awareness-raising and community events to prevent and respond to child protection issues
No data
IN4: # of adults and children groups/committees supported to ensure the community’s active participation to prevent and respond to child protection issues
No data
CA13: Child Protection: Provide specialized child protection services, e.g., case management, for girls and boys in targeted locations
IN1: Provide specialized child protection services, e.g., case management, for girls and boys in targeted locations
No data
CA14: Child Protection: Strengthen technical capacity to respond to child protection concerns in Syria
IN1: # of men and women trained on child protection in line with child protection minimum standards
No data