
  • People in need
    3.1 million
  • People targeted
    No data
  • People reached
    8.8 million
  • People reached %
  • Requirements ($)
    $403.7 million
  • Funding ($)
    $128.9 million
  • % Funded

Protection Caseload Breakdown



Caseload People in need People targeted Reached Reached % Progress
Mine Action
10.3 million
5.6 million
2 million
Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
13.1 million
1.6 million
1.2 million
Child Protection
13.1 million
2.3 million
1 million
General Protection
13.1 million
3.1 million
8.8 million

Sector Objectives


Improve protection of population affected by the crisis through community-based and individually targeted protection interventions and through advocacy with duty bearers

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Strengthen technical capacity of humanitarian actors and duty bearers at national and community level to assess, analyse, prevent and address protection risks and needs

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Improve access to quality and life-saving GBV response services for GBV survivors and women and girls at risk and put measures in place to prevent and mitigate risks of GBV

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Minimize the impact of explosive ordnance for communities most at risk

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.


Increased and more equitable access for boys and girls to quality child protection interventions in targeted locations in line with the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action

Contributes to
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 1
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 2
  • check_circleStrategic Objective 3
Indicator Unit Target Measure Progress
No data found for this table.

Sector member organizations


Sector member organizations

Organization Projects Sectors Requirements ($)
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
$5.8 million
Afaq Academy
$307 thousand
Aga Khan Foundation
$387 thousand
Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation
$0.8 million
Al Tamayouz for Orphan Sponsorship / Social Care Association
$1.9 million
Alseeraj for Development and Healthcare
$1 million
Amal Organization for Relief and Development
$1.2 million
Armadilla società cooperativa sociale Onlus
$1 million
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
$0.6 million
Ataa Humanitarian Relief Association
$0.5 million
Bahar Organization
$450 thousand
Balad Organization
$400 thousand
Basma for Relief and Development
$206 thousand
BINAA Organization for Development
$335 thousand
Bonyan (Bina Insan)
$0.7 million
Caritas Germany (DCV)
$241 thousand
Children of One World (Bir Dünya Çocuk)
$1.3 million
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
$2.5 million
Danish Refugee Council
$1.1 million
Dorcas Aid International
$0.6 million
Ghiras Alnahda Organization
$408 thousand
Global Communities
$0.8 million
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All of the East
$0.7 million
HALO Trust
$1.5 million
Halte Aux Mines Antipersonnel
$2.5 million
Hand in Hand for Aid and Development - UK
$0.8 million
Hope Revival Organisation
$1.2 million
Ihsan for Relief and Development
$4.2 million
Independent Doctors Association
$1.5 million
International Humanitarian Relief
$414 thousand
International Medical Corps UK
$2.4 million
International NGOs (Confidential)
$26.2 million
International Organization for Migration
$4 million
International Rescue Committee
$3.1 million
International Wars and Disasters Victim's Protection Association
$1 million
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
$1.4 million
ITF Enhancing Human Security
$2.3 million
Maram Foundation for Relief and Development
$1.1 million
Masrrat Foundation
$0.5 million
Mercy Corps
$0.7 million
Mercy Without Limits
$1.7 million
Mines Advisory Group
$14.6 million
Misk Organization
$266 thousand
Multi Aid Programs
$481 thousand
Muzun for Humanitarian and Development
$0.7 million
NAS Organization
$247 thousand
Nasaem Khair Organization
$0.6 million
Norwegian Refugee Council
$2.6 million
Olive Branch Organization
$155 thousand
ONG Rescate International
$0.5 million
POINT Organization
$390 thousand
Rahma Worldwide
$400 thousand
Relief International
$4.2 million
Sadad Humanitarian Organization
$0.6 million
Saed Charity Association
$309 thousand
Save the Children
$7 million
Secours Islamique France
$2.2 million
Shafak Organization
$6.5 million
Social Development International - SDI
$0.8 million
Space of Peace
$381 thousand
Syria Relief
$0.8 million
Syria Relief and Development
$4 million
Syrian American Medical Society Foundation
$1.6 million
Syrian Association for Relief and Development
$400 thousand
Syrian Expatriates Medical Association
$1.7 million
Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization
$0.9 million
Terre des Hommes - Italy
$3.4 million
Triangle Génération Humanitaire
$0.7 million
Un Ponte Per
$498 thousand
Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations
$1.1 million
United Nations Children's Fund
$31.5 million
United Nations Development Programme
$5.5 million
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
$160.1 million
United Nations Mine Action Service
$30 million
United Nations Population Fund
$33.8 million
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
$1.2 million
Violet Organization
$0.7 million
War Child Holland
$2.5 million
WATAN Foundation
$293 thousand
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus
$144 thousand
White Hats Organisation
$315 thousand
Woman Support Association
$1 million