Protection: Gender-Based Violence

13.3 million
2 million
$45 million
GBV sectoral severity of needs
Sectoral severity of needs

by district (in 2024)

GBV sectoral people in need and people targeted
Sectoral people in need and people targeted

by province (in 2024)

Cluster objective CO1

Targeted population have access to lifesaving services in safe and confidential spaces and are provided with tools to restore their dignity and wellbeing in alignment with survivor-centered principles
Contributes to Specific Objective SP 2.1

Cluster objective CO2

Targeted population, through awareness raising and community engagement, have access to comprehensive information on available services and can access safe, confidential and timely referrals.
Contributes to Specific Objective SP 2.1

Cluster objective CO3

Increased and strengthened partner capacities including through established guidelines, trainings and resources to safely and ethically respond to the needs of targeted population
Contributes to Specific Objective SP 2.1

Response Strategy

In 2024, GBV Sub-Cluster activities will include providing life-saving case management, mental health and psychosocial support, health services, and legal aid and shelter to vulnerable populations. Partners will seek enhanced access to survivors through tailored community dialogues with influential community members, men, boys, and youth networks. The sub-cluster (SC) will also preposition dignity kits, support safe spaces and survivor-centred services, and build the capacity of actors to deliver higher quality and harmonized services in line with minimum standards.

Targeting and Prioritization

GBV SC will target individuals who are considered the most vulnerable within already vulnerable population groups, including recent female returnees unaccustomed to the current restrictions as well as IDPs. District-level severity, together with the incorporation of expert opinion, is applied to address the areas with the greatest need adequately. In the event of insufficient funding, priority will be given to the distribution of dignity kits, which aim to address the immediate needs of women and girls, particularly those displaced. Additionally, efforts will be made to provide well-being activities for women and girls, along with necessary referrals to medical services.

Quality and Inclusive Programming

The GBV SC will implement a survivor-centred approach and prioritize the well-being of children, enabling agencies to effectively address the unique gender-related and individual needs of the population they serve. Given the dynamic nature of the operating environment, it is crucial to conduct regular and timely analyses to inform and adapt service modalities to specific limitations. Enhancing the protective environment and support systems requires engaging in community dialogues with influential members and fostering collaboration with men, boys, and youth networks.

Cost of Response

The GBV Sub-cluster will require $45 million to provide essential support to 2 million people. The response cost utilises an average cost of $23 per person as analysed based on the 2023 programming data. Primary cost drivers for cluster activities include providing wellbeing support to women and girls, dignity kit distribution, and multisectoral, life-saving services. These activities are conducted through in-kind distribution, case management services, and community engagement activities, which has proven essential and lifesaving, particularly for women and girls.

The cluster page, including indicators and activities, can be found online
The cluster page, including indicators and activities, can be found online here