Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan Afghanistan 2024 / Response plan

Cost for the response

Afghanistan's HNRP is an activity-based costed plan, with each cluster producing a cost per beneficiary estimate which encompasses expenses related to in-kind supplies, cash assistance (where applicable), and logistical aspects of assistance delivery, including staff, security, and other overhead costs.

The overall HNRP funding requirements have decreased by 34 per cent in 2024 compared to 2023, reflecting a 27 per cent reduction in targets and adjustment of some activities, offset by the inclusion of assistance packages for Afghan returnees from Pakistan and the response to the Herat earthquakes. Consequently, the average cost per beneficiary has decreased by 10 per cent, from $151 per beneficiary in the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan to $177 per beneficiary in the 2024 HNRP.

Several clusters have adjusted their targeting methods, modified their inputs to the minimum expenditure basket (MEB), and stabilized distribution expenses. These adjustments have reduced their overall cost per beneficiary, including emergency shelter and non-food items (ES-NFI) with a 43 per cent reduction, food security and agriculture (FSAC) with a 26 per cent decrease, and nutrition with a 24 per cent decrease. The Health and WASH Clusters have slightly reduced their cost per beneficiary by 1 per cent.

Conversely, the Education Cluster has experienced a 76 per cent increase in the cost per beneficiary, aligning with trends observed in previous years. This is primarily driven by a higher advocacy caseload for secondary school girls, which has driven the cost per beneficiary lower in 2023. Similarly, the Protection Cluster has seen a 4 per cent increase in the cost per beneficiary since some of the beneficiaries are being targeted for multiple activities.