Requirements ($)$1.43 billion
Funding ($)$663.4 million
% Funded46.4%
Core reached: the number of people reached by at least one response activity that has a high impact on fulfilling the overall needs of the affected population (referred to as ‘Direct reached’ in 2023). Overall reached: the number of people reached by at least one response activity (Direct and Indirect).
Cluster Objectives
Shock-affected women, men and children of all ages (IDPs, returnees, refugees, natural disaster-affected and people under IPC 3 and 4) have a minimum household food consumption score above 42.5.
Necessary food assistance is provided to affected households in a timely manner.
Assistance to affected population is provided to all vulnerable groups.
Local communities are active interlocutors regarding beneficiary selections.
Livelihoods are protected and rehabilitated for vulnerable people facing acute food insecurity and at risk of hunger and malnutrition.