In 2024, ensuring the timely, safe, and efficient delivery of assistance requires regular monitoring of both the operational landscape and collective response efforts. Ongoing sector-specific and country-wide multi-sector needs assessments will continue in tracking the evolution of needs, response effectiveness, residual and unmet needs, and people’s preferences regarding assistance.

Regular operational situation reports detailing cluster responses to existing and emerging needs will continue to provide a detailed picture of assistance and service provision. Response preparedness capacity will be evaluated through regular analysis of critical commodity pipelines. Snapshots showing the status of stockpiles at the national level and regional levels will continue on a quarterly basis, providing an early warning of looming pipeline breaks.

Close monitoring of partner presence and geographical access trends will be paramount to ensuring realistic response targets. The 2024 monitoring framework will also include a careful analysis of cross-border movement trends, building upon the insights gained from the record year of returns of undocumented Afghan nationals in 2023.

All assessments will be coordinated through the Assessment and Analysis Working Group (AAWG) in collaboration with OCHA. Findings from these assessments, as well as inputs from the community voices platform, will inform adjustments to the response and will help in course correction. The WoAA will be conducted once in 2024, complemented by quarterly Humanitarian Situation Monitoring (HSM) reports and two IPC exercises – with one planned for the end of the lean season and another after the fall harvest.

Recognizing a persisting challenge in the lack of gender-specific data and the inability to monitor women's access to and satisfaction with humanitarian assistance in 2023, dedicated efforts will be made this year to monitor inclusion in coordination with GiHA. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) monitoring indicators, which were developed in 2023 to track constraints of Afghan women participating in the response, their ability to reach the most vulnerable populations, and actors’ ability to maintain a principled response, will be incorporated into routine 2024 HNRP monitoring. Key capacity-building initiatives will be undertaken to ensure that women are actively engaged in all major assessments, allowing their voices to influence and shape the ongoing humanitarian response.

Humanitarian programme cycle timeline
Humanitarian programme cycle timeline